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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Darkseid Undenied

Card #DGL-158
Green Lantern Corps

Date Reviewed: 05.18.05

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2.46
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating:2.14
Limited Average Rating: 1.25

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Darkseid Undenied

Today we are going to take a look at an interesting card that allows you to replace non-ongoing PT's your opponent controls - Darkseid Undenied.

Well the good thing about this card is that it can allow you to possibly get more characters and equipment into your opponent's resource row. Doesn't seem like much, but you have to remember that Darkseid has a nasty way of manipulating your opponent's face down resources to your advantage. What better way to manuver the game in your favor and burn at the same time. Of course if you do decide to burn, you have to remember that you get a taste of it also...plan accordingly.

There is a downside to the replace-your-opponent's-nonongoing-resource. (Isn't there always?) The biggest drawback would have to be giving your oponent something better for their resource row. The second drawback would be thinning your opponent's deck. Hey, if there weren't risks, it wouldn't be so much fun. (Ouch double negative there for all you gramatical people.)

Also remember that this card does not give you free range to go look at your opponent's resources. Don't even think about targeting an opponent's face-down resource!

DCMA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This card could certainly give a big boost to Darkseid decks...
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...While this card presents a unique strategy for play...I am not sure it will be tournament worthy...

Limited - 3.0/5.0 ....I think this card will be decent in this format. After all the character to PT ratio in this format increases the chances of putting a character into your opponent's resource row...

Johnny Blaze
Darkseid Undenied – Similar to The Source and Breaking Ground theme of nuking plot twists that your opponent controls and replacing it with the top card of their deck.  This time Darkseid Undenied will make both players lose endurance equal to the cost of that non-ongoing plot twist.  Darkseid Undenied also has the added ongoing benefit of doing this every turn with the cost of exhausting a Darkseid Elite character without the endurance loss.
Constructed: 3/5 – As with Monday’s card Breaking Ground, it is always nice to have more options at your disposal to mess with your opponents plot twists.   The downside to this card is that you have to run Darkseid Elite team.
Limited: 1/5 – Not many Darkseid Elite characters to work with here.
Darkseid Undenied

Well, it's another card that let's you disrupt your opponent's resource row, only this one isn't nearly as useful. Once you flip it, you get to replace one of your opponent's non-ongoing plot twists, so you'll pretty much be helping them get rid of a dead card in their resource row. The small amount of burn damage they take won't be worth the risk of giving them a potentially momentum swinging plot twist in their resource row. The chance of sticking a character in there is about 50%, unless you can use a card effect that lets you peek at the top card of their deck. The ongoing part of this plot twist won't help much either, unless you're trying to deck out your opponent somehow by replacing every plot twist they play. In Golden, this card won't see much play at all. Why replace someone's Savage Beatdown with another Savage Beatdown?

In Limited, this is a bad pull. You don't want to help your opponent speed through their deck, and there aren't enough DE characters to fuel the Ongoing part of this plot twist.


Modern - 2/5
Golden - 1/5
Limited - 1/5
Undefeated of the East
Hi, its been awhile since my last review because of final exams and computer gaming. Here we have a card out of the newest set that is for a legacy team.

Darkseid Undenied

Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls. Each player loses endurance equal to the cost of that plot twist.

Ongoing: Exhaust a Darkseid's Elite character you control >>> Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls.

This card is weird, the first part involves replacing a non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls and all players losing endurance equal to the cost of the plot twist, and doesn't have a team stamp requirement. The second part is an ongoing effect that allows you to exhaust guys to I can't ever think of a situation when I want to get rid of a opponents face up plot twist. Against many top decks this card has really little use. This card won't do anything against curve sentinels, fantastic fun, evil medical school, and a teen titans player will laugh in your face because they have garth<>tempest. I f you want to burn your opponent surprise attack is much better because the most damage you can deal with this card is 9 and that is from gamma bomb, and burn cards like surprise attack only hurts your opponent. In a team where the characters aren't that great exhausting them for a effect with very little purpose is just plain awful. I can honestly say the only drawback I can think of is that this card can't be fizzle'd, but if fizzle could've have negated this card effect I'll just let my opponent go ahead.

Golden Age:1/5
Modern DC Age:1/5
Limited:1/5 Lots of great cards in this set, almost nothing is as bad as this. At the DGL prerelease in Chicago, I didn't see anybody pulling this card.
In my opinion, Upperdeck should stop making weak rares.
Hey all, wierdofur here with my first ever card review, so here we go…

Darkseid Undenied

Number:         DGL-158
Rarity:         Rare
Card Type:      Plot Twist
Cost:           2
Ongoing:                Yes

Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls. Each player loses endurance equal to the cost of that plot twist.

Ongoing: Exhaust a Darkseid's Elite character you control >>> Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls.

Cost: 2

With a Threshold cost of 2, this card can see play early in the game, so it does have that going for it.


Ongoing: Yes

Being ongoing has its benefits, but only when you have Darkseid's Elite characters in play, so DU only becomes continually useful in a deck using Darkseid characters.


At first look, this may seem to be a rather worthless card, because who would want to turn an opponent's Savage Beatdown or Overload face-down, thereby allowing them to use it again?

But look at other cards to combo it with, and then you begin to understand its true usefulness...

Combined with the effect of Virman Vundabar, you can stun a stronger character, or when used in tandem with Kanto; you can KO a stronger character.

Play it in tandem with Apokolips for a higher attack boost.

Follow it up with a Firepits of Apokolips or Purple Man, and you can use your opponent's Savage Beatdown or Cover Fire and get a nice little bit of revenge!

Combo it with Devilance to add more burn damage to the stack.

Darkseid Undenied is a good card when combined with other card effects, and that should be the only way you use it. Use it by itself, and you'll get clobbered …again.


Team Affiliation: (Darkseid's Elite, ongoing effect only)

I admit as to not being too familiar with Darkseid decks so far, but it seems that they're focused towards burn damage, or field control through KO effects. It takes a keen mind to make DU work in a Darkseid deck, but there are a few cards there it works well with.

Since its one-shot activation effect is NOT Darkseid exclusive, DU can be splashed into other decks, such as Doom. This gives the card a wider range of usage and versatility.



Darkseid Undenied is a combo card that works well in a Doom or Darkseid deck, but only with certain cards, which limits its usefulness. Because of this, it should ideally only be used in Constructed formats or a very lucky Limited or Draft format.

The best use is with Purple Man or Firepits of Apokolips to gain control of a powerful Plot Twist the opponent has already played. This can be quite difficult as you need to get both cards to use together, and then wait for the opponent to play a Plot Twist worthy of the effort. That makes this card rather unreliable in both timing and usability, and there are better strategies out there… especially in a tournament setting.

Bottom line; use it only in a fun Constructed deck or a very well built competitive-level deck.


Modern Age: I only recommend using this in a just-for-fun deck.


Golden Age: Same as Modern Age.


Limited: You'll need incredible luck to get both the cards to pull of the strategies, and drawing both cards for it to work. Avoid this card and look for something better.



Darkseid Undenied


A new toy for the darkseid decks that pop up here and there. The first effect is simply, replace a non on-going plot twist an opponet controls and everybody loses endurace equal to its cost. This effect is useful that it forces your opponet to maybe place a card into his resource row that he didnt want to (i.e. Garth, etc...) The second part of that effect, losing endurace, wont do much harm. The most you will problably lose is 2 with a rare occurance of 4 if you opponet has savage beatdown in his row. The second effect isn't all that great for darkseid decks either. Most of those decks that I have seen rely on the characters powers and dont want to exhaust them for this effect.


DC Modern Age Constructed: 2/5...You could use it but I wouldn't.

Golden Age Constructed: 2/5...Look Above.

Limited: 1/5....Not useful at all in my belief.


Darkseid Undenied DGL-158

Well, before I get into the card I'd just like to say hello and introduce myself. I'm hmk17. I've been playing Vs. System since the beginning. As a player an a judge, I hope to bring you guys some insight into the cards. Onto the card... and what a card too.

Card Text:
Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls. Each player loses endurance equal to the cost of that plot twist.

Ongoing: Exhaust a Darkseid's Elite character you control >>> Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls.

The first effect of the card is a little limited in what it can replace; it wants to be Have A Blast! when it grows up. Life loss is an interesting touch, it would be better if your opponent lost it, but this balances out the card a little more.

The second effect is where we start seeing a silver lining. A good number of the Darkseid's Elite characters base their effects off your opponent's face-down resources.

Guys like Kanto and Devilance have powerful effects that benefit greatly from this. Trok benefits to a lesser extent; though stunning up the curve isn't bad.
With new entries in Virman Vundabar and Dr. Bedlam, you can starting piecing together a deck.

The card has potential in DC Modern Age. For Golden Age, I'd consider playing it alongside Have A Blast!.
In Limited played, there are better cards to draft.

Draft/Sealed - 1/5
Modern Darkseid's Elite - 4/5
Traditional Darkseid's Elite - 3/5

Well, that's my first review. I'll see you guys on Friday.
Marvin Aquino Today's card of the day is one of the new Darkseid's Elite cards from the Green Lantern Expansion. Darkseid Undenied is very similar to yesterday's card Breaking Ground except it does not replace locations. For Golden Age format there are not too many on-going plot twists to replace since Teen Titans and Curve Sentinels dominate the current metagame and neither of their builds contain an ongoing plot twist. Also, Darkseid's Elite has yet to prove itself to become even a Tier 2 team, and i do not think Darkseid Undenied will carry them to that level. In DC Modern Age, the presence of an ongoing plot twist is greater. As many team ups are generally used in this format (going back to the Marvel Modern Age Era). The only downside is Mosaic World and Metropolis, both locations that create a team up amongst chracters. So if this card does become popular in DC Modern then the metagame will shift to those two locations. As for limited, i personally would not touch it, unless i was rare drafting, because there aren't too many ongoing plot twists you could target with this card. The ratings:

Golden Age Format: 1/5
DC Modern Age Format: 2.5/5
Limited Format: 1/5
First off, I'd like to thank Bill for giving me this opportunity. Hope my opinions on the cards to come will actually be of use to some of you out there!

Today we are reviewing Darkseid Undenied, a card that (surprise, surprise) fits in with the Darkseid's Elite team. Their theme has been locking down your opponent's resources, ensuring that useful characters find their way into a place where they cannot help very much, the resource row. Darkseid Undenied can definetly help along with that concept. Let's take a look!

Darkseid Undenied (DU)
Ongoing Plot Twist
2 Threshold Cost
Rarity: Rare

Effect: Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls. Each player loses endurance equal to the cost of that plot twist.

Ongoing: Exhaust a Darkseid's Elite character you control ---> Replace target non-ongoing plot twist an opponent controls.

Initative Preference: None

First of all, the primary effect of DU kills a plot twist and replaces it and throws in a bit of burn damage to both players. While it would've been nicer if it killed ongoing plot twists as well as only burned your opponent and not you, extra damage never does hurt. (Except in this case!) Then you can keep replacing non-ongoing plot twists as much as you like provided you have the characters to exhaust. How does this benefit a Darkseid's Elite player? Two ways:

#1 - As mentioned before, if your opponent happens to get an important character in their resource row, i.e. Emerald Enemies 7 drop Sinestro, and it's their only copy of it in their deck, you've severely crippled their late game strategy.

#2 - Most Darkseid's Elite cards reward you for controlling your opponent's resources. The new Dr. Bedlam and Virman Vundabar from the Green Lantern set along with Devilance, Apokolips, and Kanto from the Man of Steel set reward players who are able to successfully lock down your opponent's resource row.

So in DC Modern Age, this strategy could prove useful against any curve or character heavy deck (barring Manhunters) if it works out properly. This brings us to the negative point of the card. Replacing the plot twist could result in your opponent get a location or even more crucial plot twist into their resource row earlier than they expected. That of course could spell trouble for you. Does the risk make the reward worth it? With Apokolips and Kanto being powerhouses if the lockdown pays off, I say it does. It's more of a luck based plot twist than anything though.

In Golden Age, if you get lucky and play against a Doom deck that relies on turning plot twists face down, DU could prove useful against it. Any other deck, it's the same as before, hope to get characters on the high end of the curve down in their resource row where they can't be used.

In Sealed/Draft, again, hope to get those characters in the resource row with DU. With the abundance of characters in sealed/draft that are played, it could work quite well. Just don't bank on using the ongoing portion of the plot twist unless you're playing a Man of Steel/Green Lantern event.

All formats: 3/5 It's hit and miss with this card on how well it can work in your favour, but if it does pile those characters in the resource row, you can definetly gain an edge in the game, regardless if it's DC Modern Age, Golden Age, or Sealed.

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