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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Gorilla City
Card #DJL-143
Date Reviewed: 10.16.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating:
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Gorilla City
Aack! Now we turn to a SS card that can be
described as a double-edged sword. Gorilla city
allows you to put the top card of your deck into
the ko?d pile to give a SS character +1 attack
(or +2 attack if you have 10 or more cards in
your ko pile). Now I do realize that one of the
aspects of SS is to get rid of your own deck,
but that is not the way I would want to run a
game. Granted if this card gave me more of a
boost or something that would be one thing, but
for only +1 attack it is not worth me losing my
next drop or a major attack boost. Thank you,
but no thank you?
DCMA constructed ? 2.0/5.0 ?You are going to
need everything you can get in this format.
GA constructed ? 1.5/5.0 ?(ditto)^2
Limited - 2.5/5.0 ?Now here is a format you
might see this card played in. Granted you have
to remember that you start out with fewer cards.
Bunch |
Gorilla City
Gorilla City is a nice little location, and
should make the cut in Secret Society decks that
utilize the KO pile tricks that are available to
them in the new JLA set. Secret Society,
especially if teamed with Underworld, should
have no problem getting 10 cards in the KO'd
pile, making Gorilla City a +3 attack pump every
turn. The added bonus of milling through your
deck will also make it a card to include.
Limited loves it because of the reusable pump,
plus it's a common, so you can actually get one
passed to you in a draft. Getting 10 cards into
your KO'd pile quickly isn't as good of a
strategy in a format with a 30 card deck, unless
you score some recursion. Still, even just +1
ATK on a regular basis will give you an
Rating: 4/5
Today we have
an offensive variation of Tamaran for Secret
Society, Gorilla City.
Gorilla City
Threshold Cost 1
Rarity: Common
Initative Preference: When you have first attack
Effect: Activate, put the top card of your deck
into your KO'd pile >>> Target Secret Society
attacker you control gets +1 ATK this attack,
and an additional +2 ATK this attack if you have
ten or more cards in your KO'd pile.
Here you have a reusable attack pump that'll
only generate a 1 attack bonus early on, but
once your KO'd pile hits 10 or more, you get +3
ATK in total.
Not only that, but the more cards you have in
your KO'd pile, the more versatile your other
cards become. (See Friday's card!) When you have
a constant attack pump like this, you're
ensuring that you'll be able to attack up the
curve at least twice a game. This can lead to
your 3 drop stunning their 4 or 5 drop as an
example. Only if you don't have to attack up the
curve should you use this to punch through a
defensive pump your opponent has thrown at you.
Of course, using Gorilla City to deal 3 more
breakthrough damage to your opponent is never a
bad thing either.
DC Modern Age: 4.5/5 Definite include in any
Society deck, play at least 3.
Golden Age: 4.5/5 See DC Modern Age.
Sealed/Draft: 2.5/5 If you have some Society
characters to use, you could definetly try it.
Otherwise, there's no point to playing it.
Sith Dragon |
Gorilla city
Location 1
Activate, put the top card of your deck into
your KO'd pile--->Target secret society attacker
you control gets +1 ATK this attack, and an
additional +2 ATK this attack if you have ten or
more cards in your KO'd pile.
Secret society may revolutionize strategy in Vs.
It has several characters and plot twists that
allow you to put target player's cards into
their KO'd pile. At first you would think you
would want to work on your opponent's deck
instead of yours, but there are many cards in
the SS team that are going to feed off you
discarding your own cards into the KO'd pile.
So with Gorilla city we are looking at a
location that will give your SS attacker +1.
Normally that would be a ho-hum as +1 is no big
deal, but there is a good chance if your deck is
built right that you could have 10+ cards into
your KO'd pile by turn 3, maybe even a great
hand would allow it for turn 2! Now you are
looking at +3 reusable boost. That makes this
card very usable.
You are probably thinking that throwing cards
from your deck into the KO'd pile is bad and not
worth the measly boost. Granted there is a
chance you will lose a few good plot twists, but
with this team you need not worry about losing
your 6,7 or 8 drop. Another location i hope we
review in the near future (slaughter swamp) is a
better avalon space station as with SS team you
can use it twice, three if you are desperate
enough and have the cards in hand to discard. So
with the help of slaughter swamp, it may even be
a decent card to help you search for missing
drops. discard X cards from the top of your
deck, and if one happens to be a drop or
character you need use slaughter swamp to go get
it! Awesome.
With cards like shape change, path of
destruction and others, this card is very
playable and should be used in a SS deck, but
only if you build for it. Again that shouldn't
be a problem with this team.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"