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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Daily Bugle

Card #MSM-010


Date Reviewed: 10.01.05

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: --
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.58
Limited Average Rating: 3.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Daily Bugle

Daily Bugle is an interesting card that usually only sees play when there is nothing better to add to a deck. The basic reasoning behind this is due to the fact that you will only be able to get the effect of this card once, maybe twice if you are lucky. That isn?t to say the card is useless?after all it would be really funny were this card to be played against a Kang deck. For the most part this is the type of card that would be found in a side-deck, if we had one. It is a good idea to keep it mind when building your deck, but only seriously consider it after you have put in all the necessities.

MMA ? n/a
GA ? 2.5/5.0 ?This card depends heavily on proper timing.

Limited ? 2.5/5.0 ?This can be a decent card in this format since getting plenty of SF character is relatively easy to do.
Daily Bugle

Daily Bugle is one of those cards that benefits by you knowing what kind of decks your opponents are likely to be playing. If you can predict what characters they'll drop, then you can set up Daily Bugle to give you extra uses out of some of your favorite plot twists. Spider Friends are showing up in more and more Golden Age builds, as well as in combo decks with Midnight Sons (to get the Spider Friends teamup).
Rogue decks may hurt you, but if you wind up against Titans, Sentinels, or Kang decks (especially Kang decks), you'll be able to get multiple uses out of the Bugle.

Rating: 3/5



Extra! Extra! Plot Twists are re-usable!

Daily Bugle
Number: MSM-010
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Type: Location
Cost: 2
When you flip Daily Bugle, choose a character name.

Whenever a character with that name an opponent controls becomes stunned by a Spider-Friends character you control, you may turn a face-up resource you control face down.

Cost: 2
Usable fairly early on, and worth much more than it's cost.

Name a character, stun them with your Spider-Friends, and flip a face up resource face down to use again. Gotta love it!

Team Affiliation: Spider-Friends
The SF team has some pretty hefty defense, but not alot more than that. I do love to play them, but they really need more ATK power to do well enough. This card gives them an edge by allowing you to re-use those powerups like Savage Beatdown or Flying Kick. You can re-use Overload or Finishing Move, Spider-Senses or any other useful card.

A VERY useful card, but with it's limitation to Spider-Friends, it's usefulness is hindered. However, if any team needs re-usable Plot Twists, it's the Spider-Friends. If you team them up with another team, this card's usefulness is highly increased.

Really useful here, and you can make a really good deck even better by using those Plot Twists and one-shot Locations a second time, or even a possible third and fourth times, if your opponent is foolish enough to keep reviving that character.

Even more useful here, if you can beleive it. You're only likely to get one or two copies of a good card, and being able to get another use out of it is highly valuable in this format. If you get this, it's not too hard to get S-F characters to use with it.
Sith Dragon Daily bugle
spider friends
location: 2

When you flip DB, choose a character name.

Whenever a character with that name becomes by a spiderfriend character you control, you may turn a face up resource you control face down.

This card has potential even though I have not seen it used much. If you run against a deck that abuses a character on multiple drops then this card's effect is going to go wild! If room permits its worth running in your deck spidey deck simnply because it will allow you to double up on a savage beatdown or acrobatic dodge even if you only get to use it once.

Not a bad card, but not a great card. Its worth running if you have room, but i wouldnt force it into the deck.

"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

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