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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Card #MAV-075
Date Reviewed: 10.14.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.33
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.16
Limited Average Rating: 2.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
At first glance this card seems beyond great.
After all, your opponent's characters can not be
reinforced and they lose 2 defense. Of course
when you re-read the card you realize that you
can not play any other PT's during the turn. As
in the case of Earth's Mightiest Heroes, we have
already learned how much this condition sucks.
Is lack of reinforcement worth not being able to
play PT's. It isn't in my opinion. Being able to
get yourself out of a bind that you may get
yourself into and being able to do more damage -
all with the aid of your trusty PT's - is
definitely more important in the long run.
MMA constructed - 2.0/5.0-.PT's are necessary in
this format.
GA constructed - 1.5/5.0 -.If you want to take
away reinforcement, why not use blind-sided?
Limited - 2.5/5.0 -There are not a lot of PT's
to choose from in this format, so being able to
do extra damage without losing out on much is

wierdofur |
Just in case
we finish screwing up the first one...
Number: MAV-075
Rarity: Rare
Card Type: Plot Twist
Cost: 3
Ongoing: No
Play Other-Earth only if you control a
Squadron Supreme character.
If you played no other plot twists this turn,
characters your opponents control lose and
cannot gain reinforcement and get -2 DEF while
defending this turn.
You cannot play plot twists this turn.
Cost: 3
Only useable from about halfway through the
Ongoing: No
Power-downs have that same one-shot drawback.
Only usable with decks containing Squadron
Supreme characters. You can reduce all of your
opponent's character's DEF by 2, but you can't
use any other PTs this turn.
Team Affiliation: Squadron Supreme
They love power-ups, but this is a nice switch
for them, and it affects ALL of the opponent's
characters for a turn.
A very tricky card, and it requires careful
timing to make the most of. It can be a nasty
shock to be on the recieving end of. One of the
better effects to come along, and an interesting
one to boot!
Can work rather well here, in a well made
Squadron Supreme deck. Well worth using if you
use the Squad.
If you get enough Squad characters to use it, it
can work very well.
scyther8 |
"I'm king of
the world!"
To close out Squadron Supreme week, we examine
one of the (and arguably the
best) "If you played no other plot twists this
turn" plot twists in the game. I also dare say
that it's one of the most debilitating team
stamped plot twists to date.
Plot Twist
3 Threshold Cost
Rarity: Rare
Initative Preference: Whenever you have the
first attack step.
Effect: Play Other-Earth only if you control a
Squadron Supreme character.
If you played no other plot twists this turn,
characters your opponent control lose and cannot
gain reinforcement and get -2 DEF while
defending this turn.
You cannot play plot twists this turn.
Other-Earth would be downright unfair if you
could play other plot twists along with it
(although there are even more powerful cards
that should have this restriction, i.e. Teen
Titans Go) as it would allow you to Blindsided
everything in your path and proceed to use
Beatdowns, Mega-Blasts and the like to just kill
your opponent in one fell swoop (or at the very
least, severely lower his/her endurance to the
point of no return).
You do however get one of the best cards to deal
with any swarm deck out there. Instead of wiping
little 1 and 2 costs characters off the board
with Flame Trap, you punish all of your
opponent's characters with -2 DEF and the
assurance that breakthrough will happen provided
your attack exceeds their defense. This can be
potentially a 10 - 20 endurance swing card in
your favour when played at the right time. Even
if you go up against a curve deck, you're still
getting Blindsided on every character your
opponent has, plus you essentially get +2 atk
while attacking on the turn Other-Earth is used.
If you couple that along with an active Rocket
Central, that's a lot of pain that can be dished
out. The best part is, you only need 1 (at the
most 2) to play in your deck as the amount of
times you'll want to play this card will be once
or twice.
Marvel Modern Age: 4/5 Any Squadron deck should
play at least 1 regardless of it's strategy.
Golden Age: 4/5 See Marvel Modern Age.
Sealed/Draft: 5/5 I've seen this used to great
success in Sealed back at $10K Toronto, you do
not want to be on the receiving end of this.
Find a way to play it if you have the characters
to support it.
Sith Dragon |
plot twist 3
play other earth only if you control a squadron
supreme character.
If you played no other plot twists this turn,
characters your opponents control lose and
cannot gain reinforcement and get -2 DEF while
defending this turn.
you cannot play plot twists this turn.
Wow! against the right decks this card can be
absolutely devastating! i'm surprised i haven't
seen this card played more, but then again, not
too many people have ventured into squadron
supreme around here.
The only big downside to this card is that this
can be the only plot twist you can play this
turn, but other than that this card can be big.
It is basically a blind sided and a minor power
boost all wrapped into one nice little package.
In modern this card would help shred the
avengers team attack decks, and in golden it
would slaughter decks like cosmic cops and teen
this can be a very good card for squadron
Just be careful on when you play it as it will
be your only plot twist you can play.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"