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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
War of Attrition
Card #MAV-202
Date Reviewed: 10.31.05
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.375
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
War of
This card has been getting a lot of attention
lately. Now being seen in most Sentinel, Kang,
and other tier 1 decks, War of Attrition has
become the new Have a Blast. War of attrition
allows you to replace one of your opponent?s
face-up resources in exchange for having them
replace one of yours. Granted you better make
sure you time this right or remove locations and
on-going PT?s from you deck, but this card
allows you to get rid of all kinds of nasty
pitfalls your opponent may be throwing at you.
While not necessarily effective against decks
like Sentinels or MK concealed, this card can be
extremely useful against TT and other
location/team-up heavy decks. Decks like Kang
City also fear this card. That is something to
think about when it comes time for your PCQ.
MMA constructed ? 3.0/5.0 ?This card will take
care of team-up decks you may run into.
GA constructed ? 4.0/5.0 ?This card can be
extremely effective in this format.
Limited ? 2.5/5.0 ?.Not as effective here since
there is less to target, this card can?t really
hurt you either.

wierdofur |
Battle of the
Angry Eyes?!?
*Sorry to be so late on the reviews this week
folks, (I did the pervious ones, so go back and
check them out), but work has been stressful,
and I've missed my bus connection home a few
times, which cut into my personal time.
Fortunately, next week is all vacation time for
Now to the card review...*
War of Attrition
Number: MAV-202
Rarity: Rare
Card Type: Plot Twist
Cost: 2
Ongoing: No
Replace target face-up resource an
opponent controls. That opponent
may replace a face-up resource
you control.
Cost: 2
Costed reasonably for the effect.
Ongoing: No
Destroyers rarely are...
Each player replaces 1 of their opponent's
face-up Resources.
Team Affiliation: none
Usable in any deck.
If you're going up against decks that use
Locations or ongoing Plot Twists, such as Teen
Titans, than this card works rather well. It's a
situational card, and the opponent also gets the
same effect, so it's a trade-off.
This card doesn't belong in every deck, but can
mess up combo decks very nicely.
Would be good side-deck matterial, but is too
situational to keep several in any old deck.
Combo decks aren't really do-able here, so this
card is only good for a small bit of draw power.
"Laser eye
surgery doesn't work like this!!"
One of my personal favourites in all of VS. As
soon as I saw this card in the Avengers list, I
knew I had to immediately grab a playset of
them. It's the best (in my opinion) replacer of
face-up resources.
War of Attrition (WA)
Plot Twist
2 Threshold Cost
Rarity: Rare
Initative Preference: N/A
Effect: Replace target face-up resource an
opponent controls. That opponent may replace a
face-up resource you control.
As an aside, the foil version of this card is
very nice. As far as the actual card goes, it's
pretty self explanatory. You can kill off ANY
face-up resource your opponent has. Your
opponent does get to do the same to you if they
want to though. It's really a question of, "Is
what I'm getting rid of of greater importance to
my opponent than what he can get rid that's
important to me?" Say you're playing a Common
Enemy deck against your opponent who is playing
Teen Titans. If you use WA on your opponent's
Tamaran, you could lock down an extra Terra or
Garth that they can't use.
But if in response your opponent can kill your
Common Enemy or Doomstadt, you'd have to look at
the game situation at that time to see if either
of your potential targets your opponent can
replace are vital to your success.
If they're not, you've done a great one-sided
trade for yourself. If they are, well, that's
the "cost" you have to eat to hurt your
opponent. There will be times where WA will seem
grossly unfair to your opponent where all they
can replace could be that very same face-up WA
in your resource row and nothing else. At other
times, your strategy could be in dire jeopardy
if use WA. Just use either early on in the game
or whenever you have a resource you're willing
to give up to rid yourself of a resource your
opponent has.
Marvel Modern Age: 3.5/5 Definite disruptor to
any Team-Up decks out there as well as killing
off Avenger's Mansions, Thunderbolt Plazas, and
other troublesome locations.
Golden Age: 3/5 It does practically nothing to
Curve Sentinels, except a build that includes
Micro Sentinels. Titans, New School decks, TNB,
Fantastic Fun, and Xavier's Dream decks can all
take a pounding from this card and dent their
strategies. It's a varitable swiss army knife.
Sealed/Draft: 3/5 WA here is really dependent
upon your opponent's cards.
If they pulled a bomb location like Mt.
Charteris, Thunderbolts Plaza, or Mansion then
WA will nuke it good, as well as any team-ups
your opponent is using. If they don't have any
of those though, then WA may be a dead draw.
Still, if you're looking for a good filler card,
WA will be useful in most matches you do play.
Sith Dragon |
War of
cost 2
Replace target face up resource an opponent
That opponent may replace a face up resource you
This card sucks! to run into that is. If you run
any ongoing plot twists or locations you can
kiss them goodbye! Most of the decks ive seen
run this either dont run ongoing plot
twists/locations or have multiple team ups face
up, so this cards activator rarely loses
anything important. Heaven forbid you replace a
burned face-up card only to give them a fresh
one. This is a very solid card that can fit into
any deck and can really hurt team up decks and
brotherhood decks. I think this is the sole
reason A Day Like Any Other was created and
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

Satisfaction |
War of
Attrition is a very powerful plot twist if used
at the right time. Being a cost of two you can
play it early if you have to.
Replacing a face up resource is a lot like Have
A Blast. Instead of a location or an ongoing
plot twist War of Attrition can replace any
resource that is face up.
The second part of War of Attrition is that your
opponent can replace a face up resource that you
control. Now you are thinking this card is a
waste now. But if you only have used face up
plot twists you can get the advantage. Replacing
is never a bad thing if you have already used
that card, it speeds up the deck.
Knowing the smart opponent, he or she won't
replace the already used plot twist resource and
just pass it up, but you still got rid of that
ongoing or location that was bothering you.
Really there is no bad side to this card if you
play it with only regular plot twists already
up. Turns 5 and greater this card won't do that
I guess you can run this in your main deck if
you don't want to run Unmasked for Kang or
Brother Hood, if Unmasked hurts yourself. In
Golden, Darkseid's Elite is perfect for this
card, especially if you are running weenie rush.
Marvel Modern Age is great for this card, barely
any location or plot twist removal. Do as you
like but just be careful with it.
Marvel Modern Age: 4.5/5.0
Golden Age: 2.5/5.0 (doubt you have space for
Sealed: 1.0/5.0