Happy Labor Day! Ahh, behold the return of X-men
decks everywhere. Well then again maybe not.
Today we are going to look at much anticipated
legacy card for X-men -- Polaris.
Polaris is your typical 4-drop character with
stats of 7/7. Her flight and range is definitely
nice, but that is not the reason you will be
playing this card in your X-men deck. After all
we already have Rouge and Nightcrawler for our
4-drops, so what makes this character so good.
Well it would definitely be using this
character's effect (characters your opponents
control lose flight and range during your attack
step) in combo with Archangel's effect (X-men
characters with flight you control can not be
stunned while attacking opponent's characters
without flight or range.). Between this combo
and Bamf! X-men should be pretty much non-stunable
during your initiative, right? Well, I put this
deck together as soon as I could and took it for
a test spin. To this date of the games I have
played with the deck I have won 95% and was able
to use the Polaris/Archangel combo all of 10%.
You do the math.
Bottom line: If you play the 5-drop Archangel
then there is no reason you shouldn't be playing
this. If you play X-stall then there is no
reason you should.
MMA constructed - n/a
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 - Had I been able to
get the combo to work a little better than I
would give this character a higher rating.
Limited - 2.5/5.0 - Her effect is pretty much
worthless in this format so you will tend to
play this character if you have nothing else.
Sith Dragon
Dr Polaris
Emerald Enemies
3 drop
Willpower 2
Whenever Dr Polaris attacks, you may exhaust
target unprotected character.
BOOST 2: When Dr Poaris comes into play, he gets
+2 ATK and cannot be stunned while attacking
this turn.
Todays card is a decent card for pure emerald
For a 3 drop he has a beefy attack and an
average defense, so he good for a turn or two,
but with such a low defense he won't hang around
for long. The range is good, but he lacks
flight, and with a willpower of
2 he can use the standard willpower cards from
the set.
His boost is about worthless. If the best you
can do on turn 5 is a 7/3 yousa ina deep doodoo.
He is very playable as a three drop, so he is a
good card, but not great.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"
When man
first saw birds fly, he tried to fly as well...
when he couldn't, he made a bow and arrow and
shot the stupid bird out of the sky!
Polaris, Lorna Dane
Number: MAV-204
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Type: Character
Cost: 4
Team: X-Men
Attack: 7
Defense: 7
Flight: Yes
Ranged: Yes
At the start of your attack step,
characters your opponents control lose
flight and range this turn.
Cost: 4
Not too shabby.
ATK/DEF: 7/7
Nuthin' special.
Range/Flight: Both
Fully versatile.
Cancels out all of your oppoent's flight and
range for all their characters, but only when
you attack.
Team Affiliation: X-Men
The team is a little better than when they first
came out, but they aren't the best of the best.
For all of the charisma the team has, they need
more late-game strength to become truely
Fortunately for Polaris, her effect isn't
The effect would work better if it could be used
during the opponent's attack-phase. Not as
useful as it could be.
An ok card, but there's better. Her effect
should've worked differently (namely by
affecting an attacking
(Note: There seems to me that Modern vs. Golden
formats seldom come off as that different, so
I'm dropping them for a more useful Constructed
format instead.)
Her versatility makes up for her lack-luster
stats, but look elsewhere first.