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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day


Card #MAV-201


Date Reviewed: 09.09.05

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating:
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.



Ok, so I really enjoy this piece of equipment. I am surprised I don't see it more often though. Framistat is a 1-cost equipment than becomes a zero cost should you exhaust a character instead of paying its cost. It allows you to either give your character +3 attack or +1 defense and reinforcement. While it is not necessarily team stamped, F4 characters do get both effects. This card will be especially nice in any F4 toys deck, but can be used just about everywhere. +3 attack is certainly going to allow you to do some damage and being able to switch it to defense is a great effect.

Bottom line: A good piece of equipment for just about any deck, but a great piece of equipment for an F4 deck.

MMA constructed - 2.5/5.0 - I don't really see equipment in general being a big deal in this format the teams are strong enough on their own without taking up extra space.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0  - This card gets a higher rating in this format, but only because of the presence of F4 characters.

Limited - 3.5/5.0 - Anytime you can get a great attack boost plus defense boost in this format, you take it!



Where does he get the names for those things?!?

Number: MAV-205
Rarity: Uncommon
Card Type: Equipment
Cost: 1
You may exhaust a character you control instead of paying Framistat's recruit cost.

At the start of the combat phase, choose one:
Equipped character gets +3 ATK this turn; or while equipped character is defending this turn, it gets +1 DEF and has reinforcement.
If the equipped character has the Fantastic Four affiliation, instead, choose both.

(NOTE: Sorry to be so late with my reviews, but my email was closed without warning, and I needed to set up a new one. I sent in my reviews from earlier in the week, so feel free to go back and check them out.
My new email is: wierdofur2@hotmail.com )

Cost: 1
Well balanced.

Give a character an ATK or a DEF boost.
F4 characters get both!

Team Affiliation: Fantastic Four
This team loves equipment, and this is just more ammo for them. As if the team wasn't powerful enough!

Nice for any deck, an a +3 ATK boost is nice, and when you add this to a F4 deck, it just becomes rediculous! This will be a welcome addition to any deck, esspecially a F4 deck.

Can work rather well here, and well worth using.

Sith Dragon Framistat
equip: 1

You may exhaust a character you control instead of paying Framistat's recruit cost.

At the start of the combat phase, choose one: Equipped character gets +3 attack this turn, or while equipped character is defending this turn, it gets +1 DEF and has reinforcement. If the equipped character has the fantastic four affiliation, instead choose both.

A good general rule for equips is: look at the cost.
If it does not have a zero, file it either in a card folder or the trash. They are very rarely worthwhile, if ever.

This may be an exception. First of all you can get around the cost by either exhausting a character or using Mr Fantastic effects. If you can get it in on the character during your off initiative then your opp has some things to consider. Namely, the character is now a +3/+1 with reinforcement. A +3ATK just for exhausting a character isn't too bad, but if its a F4 character you get it all.

I am not a fan of equips in general, as that's one less character or PT/LOC in your hand and it doesn't do you much good if you have to put it into your resource row, but if you are running either an F4, common enemy, cosmic cops, or any other deck using the
F4 team, this card could warrant a spot or two.
Overall i think this is another solid card for the older teams.

"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

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