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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

- Acolyte

Card #MXM-101


Date Reviewed: 03.03.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.75
Limited Average Rating: 3

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Rem-Ram - Acolyte

Welcome to reservist week...Brotherhood reservists to be more precise.

In a reservist deck, what you always want to see is a way of getting, well - more reservists. This is especially the case in a Brotherhood Reservist deck, where there is a massive amount of discarding that can take place. That is where today's card comes into play. Rem-Ram is a 1-drop character that allows you to reveal the top 4 cards of your deck and take a reservist character from among those when he comes into play. You definitely want to put 4 of these guys in your deck, as having this card in your opening hand is priceless. Of course you lose the other card you reveal to the bottom of your deck, but considering this card is a common, you really couldn't ask for much more from it, right?

MMA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...This card is a must in a Brotherhood reservist deck and isn't half bad in any sort of reservist variation deck (Perhaps SS?)
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This card pales outside of a reservist deck, but then again reservist decks are pretty popular right now.

Limited - 2.0/5.0 ...Unless you get quite a few reservists, this card is only good for curving out your hand.

Quick review today, I'm recovering from 10K Austin.
31st place, one win out of the money. 4-0 against X-Faces, but X-Mental and Hellfire totally pwnz0r3d me.

Rem-Ram is good. He's your mulligan condition for Brotherhood Reservist, and even if you underdrop him on a later turn, he still will usually net you a character.

In a draft, you can sometimes draft Reservists the way you can draft Willpower in GL drafts. If you do, then take Rem-Ram in multiples. If you see one or two copies of him, not only can you snag them for yourself, but you know that no one nearby is playing Reservist, so you can count on some good stuff coming to you in the later packs.

Rating: 4/5
Sith Dragon Rem-Ram, Acolyte
1 drop
No F/R
Trait: Mental

When you recruit Rem-Ram, reveal the top four cards of your deck. You may put one revealed reservist card into your hand. Put the remaining cards on the bottom of your deck.

I have always said do not run 1 drops unless they bring something to the deck that really helps the play of the team. Rem-Ram does this in spades for a brotherhood reservist deck.

Forget the stats and the trait. They are both going to be pretty worthless as most Acolyte decks wont capitalize on them. What Rem-Ram does is gives you a free character card with no drawback other than possibly losing a decent plot twist amongst the four cards. Also if you draw him and cannot get him out, you simply slap him into your resource row as a reservist to satisfy the myriad of other effects that need reservists in your resource row.

There are no drawbacks to this card and every extra card you can get into your hand helps, especially early. I would definitely run four of this one, bu obviously in a brotherhood reserves deck only.

"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

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