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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Black Panther
- King of Wakanda

Card #MXM-208


When Black Panther comes into play, search your deck for an equipment card with cost 1 or less, equip it to Black Panther, and shuffle your deck.

Date Reviewed: 04.17.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 2.75

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Black Panther - King of Wakanda

Well the 10K Minn is over and for me it was surprising to see who came out on top. With the format being GA, I knew we were in for Squadron decks and TT decks. I actually expected one of those decks to come out on top (just because they can be so fast). However, what I found were decks I had never really thought of before. Ok so maybe I had thought up some of the concepts (like the concept deck we will be reviewing this week), but not these builds exactly. With that being said, I definitely want to give a big congrats to the Minn players. Their original and effective decks definitely made the 10k something to tune into.....

So this week I decided it was time to highlight an original deck...something that hadn't been seen in teir 1 before. What better way to review this week's cards, then to take a look at the new Burn 'Em deck...

Most burn decks in the past have focused on things like 'Brotherhood Theme' or 'Equipment Burn', but with the new characters that came out in this set that have built in burn abilities, I knew it was just a matter of time before some one brought together the equipment burn, character burn, and pt burn into an effective deck (personally my burn deck was going to focus on sort of an energy-burn theme, but that is for another time). Today's card is going to focus on a major staple for the latest burn deck, Black Panther - King of Wakanda.

Black Panther has a major presence in the burn deck. It isn't based on his size (he is your standard 3-drop character), but his effect. When BP hits the field you can search your deck for a 1-cost equipment card and equip it to him. This is essential for setting up the "equipment burn" part of the deck. By using this character in the deck, you get a chance to get an early Flame Thrower or Advanced Hardware on the field for some extra damage. While people may debate how many of these characters belong in the deck, I say go with at least 3 and possibly 4 if you have the room.

MMA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...There are not a lot of MK characters in this format, you could splash him and hope you can hit him.
GA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...This character is extremely important if you want to get your equipment burn set up

Limited - 2.5/5.0 ...This character is only useful if you can get some equipment cards...otherwise he is a standard 3-drop.
Black Panther, King of Wakanda

This week we'll be stepping out of Marvel Modern to take a loot at a deck that's made some waves at recent Golden Age 10Ks. The only other burn deck to really make an impact at the higher levels of the game has been Dean Sohlne's Fantastic Fun deck, a deck that used the equipment searching abilities of Mr.
Fantastic and the board control of A Child Named Valeria to set up a lock on the field, then burn the opponent with Flamethrowers. It's a very complicated deck to play, and usually takes a few turns to get going before reaching it's win condition.

Conversely, "High Voltage" is a deck that came out of nowhere to win 10K Sydney and got another victory this weekend at 10K Minneapolis. This deck packs only a handful of cards that don't do some kind of direct endurance loss to the opponent. High Voltage aims to do as much damage as possible early and often; from taking taking advantage of an opponent's missed drops with cards like Surprise Attack, and swarming with a small army of 1-drops armed with equipment or boosted by Flying Kick and Mega-Blast. The High Voltage player doesn't expect the game to last too long, as the deck doesn't play a character with a cost above 4.

Now to today's card. This deck gets a major boost from equipment cards, and Black Panther can get a Flamethrower or Advanced Hardware out of your deck and equip it to himself, making him either a 9/4 or 7/4 with range. In other decks, he makes a good splash if he fetches an Image Inducer, and being Concealed-Optional makes Mindtap Mechanism or Medallion of Power a possible target for his effect.
He'd be great in a Fantastic Four deck, where he can search out a piece of equipment which can then be transferred to another character with 5-drop Mr.

In Limited, Black Panther is a good addition if you pulled Mindtap Mechanism or Image Inducer, especially with his small stats. He's risky in Draft, unless you got Mindtap Mechanism earlier in a pack, then he's a good character to use to shore up your 3 spot.

Rating: 3/5

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