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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Tommy - Runaway
Card #MXM-069
Evasion (Stun
this character >>> Recover this character at the
start of the recovery phase this turn.)
Tommy costs 1 less to recruit while you control a
stunned character.
Date Reviewed: 04.24.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2.75
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 2.5
Limited Average Rating: 2.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Tommy -
This week I thought we might take a look at a
deck, that although not tier 1, has so many
tricks and combos that it is a blast to play. I
like to think of it as the 'absolute fun deck'
of the X-men set. This week we are going to take
a look at the Morlock evasion deck.
This deck is a great deck. With it has so many
twists and turns and yet is actually quite
stronger than what one would initially think.
The Morlock evasion deck works off of evasion
much in the same way the Spider Friends evasion
deck does. However, this deck has some great
characters and PT's that support the evasion
characteristic to its fullest...and make it a
tough deck to beat. Today we are going to look
at one of three 'staple' cards for this deck -
Tommy is a 1-drop character with evasion that is
a free recruit if you have a stunned character
on the field. This basically results in a free
character on the field and quick board advantage
when you need it. For example on turn 1 you can
drop Electric Eve, evade, and drop Tommy. Not
only do you get board advantage as early as turn
2, but you can also burn you opponent for 1 with
Eve's effect. This card is also great as it a
count as a stunned body on the field for later
PT's and character effects, but we can get into
those a little later. Over all if you are
thinking about running a Morlock evasion deck,
make sure you put of this character into it.
MMA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This card is a must
for a Morlock evasion deck.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...Evasion decks run
the risk of too much open board in this format.
Limited - 2.5/5.0 ...Unless you have plenty of
evasion characters and a well defined strategy,
you better leave this card alone.
Bunch |
Of the four major teams in the X-Men set, the
one that has seen the least play in Constructed
is the Morlocks. Mono-Hellfire Club has a lot of
power, X-Men have X-Faces and X-Mental to their
credit, and Brotherhood Reservist decks are
still popular either with or without Avengers
Reservists to go with them.
Morlocks just haven't taken off though, despite
some really interesting tricks and a massive
amount of synergy within their team. Will they
make a showing in Silver Age, now that they can
gain access to Spider-Friends and their Evasion
characters and plot twists? Time will tell,
although I'm not holding my breath.
Last week, we took a look at a Morlocks 1-drop
that has seen a lot of play: Electric Eve.
Today's card is a 1-drop that hasn't seen much
play at all. Tommy is a straightforward card to
play; recruit a 1-drop, Evade it, then recruit
Tommy for free. Just like that, you've got two
characters on the board for the price of one.
More Morlocks means more stunned characters to
trigger effects like Shrapnel Blast and Marrow.
Once he's on the board though, Tommy is usually
worth more to you stunned than otherwise. If
anything, you can exhaust him for a Neutralized,
then Evade him to keep him out of harm's way. Of
the four Morlocks 1-drops, he's the least
In Limited, Morlocks are an amazingly good team
to draft. They have a huge amount of good cards
that are commons, making them easy to pick up
late in a pack.
Artie, Tar Baby, Storm, Marrow, Calisto...all
commons, and with a three drop, a perfect curve
for your draft deck. Pick up some combat pumps,
and you're all set.
Rating: 2/5