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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Double Play

Card #DCR-035

Ready target JSA team attacker you control that shares an identity with another attacker you control. The character you readied cannot be stunned while team attacking this turn and cannot cause breakthrough this turn.

Date Reviewed: 08.09.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2.3
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 2
Limited Average Rating: 1.85

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Double Play:
This card is an excellent addition to an Identity deck in so much as it can allow you an extra attack with the added bonus of not being stunned. Of course it does call for a JSA character to be the one chosen for the effect and you have to be team attacking, but it is a very handy card, nonetheless. In a sense this card combines Legendary Battles with Quicksilver and you know how effective that combo can be. This card is a borderline staple in my opinion, as it does have its drawbacks, however, the rewards can definitely make up for it.

PS. When playing this card it would probably be benificial to avoid playing this card with Hourman and focus on other identities instead.

DCMA constructed - 2.5/5.0 ...I would probably play at least 2 of these cards in the Identity deck in this format.
GA constructed - 2.0/5.0 ....Identity decks don't necessarily focus on weenie swarm which is what you will need to do if team attacking in this format...

Limited - 1.5/5.0 ...While uncommon, this card is only good if you come across plenty of JSA characters with the same identity.
Double Play

As you read this, I'll be on my way to Indianapolis to judge at PC Indy. I'm looking forward to seeing what people have come up with for this new format. One thing that I don't think I'll see a lot of are JSA Identity decks. Still, if the identity deck shows up, it'll be packing 4 copies of Double Play.

I've got to say, this card doesn't jazz me that much.
It's highly situational; you have to have two JSA characters with the same identity on the board at the same time. This will only be feasible in an Identity build. Even then, it limits your options for attacks, since you have to send two specific characters in for a team attack. After that, you can ready one of the attackers, and your opponent will pretty much have to stun the other attacker. After all that, the readied attacker doesn't even get to cause any breakthrough when they attack again this turn. It's a lot of effort for not a lot of damage, and odds are that you'll wind up with two stunned characters to your opponent's two stunned characters. I'd rather play diverse characters, use combat pumps, and do breakthrough.

In Limited, this isn't a very useful card. Even if you draft all identity, you're at the mercy of the packs and the other players in order to collect enough like-identity characters to enable this card. The Mr.
Terrifics and Hawkfolks go quick, and the Hourmen are fairly unplayable in Limited. It'll be lurking at the end of the pack anyway, so you can scoop up a copy or two at the 12-14th spots.

Rating: 2/5
xstreamzero Double Play

You know what a good card is? Safety in Numbers. You know what an even better card is? Teen Titans Go! You know what card attempts to be like them?
Double Play.

Double Play
Plot Twist/2
Ready target JSA team attacker you control that shares an identity with another attacker you control. The character you readied cannot be stunned while team attacking this turn and cannot cause breakthrough this turn.

This card has a lot of potential, but the characters in JSA that already have identities don’t really need or even want to use Double Play. For example, you don’t want to ready your Mr. Terrifics because that would defeat the purpose of the exhausted pump. You don’t need to team attack with the Hourmen because they’re big enough on their own already. The best way to utilize this card is to give someone an identity like A Moment of Crisis and then team attack with them. Or you could just team up with JLI or Teen Titans and use their superior counterparts. It’s much easier.

DC Modern: Not needed 2/5
Silver Age: Still not needed 2/5
Golden Age: I seriously hope you’re not running an Identity Deck 1/5
Overall: 2/5

Double Play
Rarity: Uncommon
Ready target JSA team attacker you control that shares an identity with another attacker you control. The character you readied cannot be stunned while team attacking this turn and cannot cause breakthrough this turn.

Not as good as Go Teen Titans or Heroic Battle. For the JSA identity is everything. With ways to make everyone the same person more or less..if only by name. With the JSA having boosts for attacking up the curve, and now having ways of reading characters, and making sure they do not stun, you have a way to clear the field, if for no reason than to give you field advantage.

Playability- 3/5
Sealed- 2/5 (being able to drop people with the same ID is not that easy)

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