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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Terry Sloane
<> Mr. Terrific
Card #DCR-026
Concealed—Optional (You may have this character come
into play in the hidden area.)
Exhausted characters you control get +1 ATK / +1 DEF
while in combat with a character with greater cost.
Date Reviewed: 08.21.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 2.16
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Terry Sloane
<> Mr. Terrific
Well, we draw to the end of identity deck month.
I know, I know there is still almost a full week
next week , but since I know people would rather
see new cards for the next couple of weeks and
since the first of the month is next Friday, I
figured we would go ahead and draw this to a
close. Next month we will take a break from the
deck theme idea to present the new cards from
the Galactus set then it will probably be back
to breaking down decks.
For the last week of Identity deck month, I
thought it might be a good idea to take a look
at combining the identity theme with another
strong theme presented in JSA - attacking up the
curve. Therefore this week we will take a look
at characters that can effectively attack up the
curve and share the identity theme as well. To
start, we will take a look at Terry Sloane<>Mr.
Terry Sloane is an excellent addition to your
identity deck - provided you have the
initiative. In fact, this card can be a great
addition to just about any swarm deck. Simply
put, this guy's effect works for any character
you have that is attacking up the curve. Since
exhuasting an attacking character is part of an
attack, you can quite easily give every one of
your characters +1/+1 if you plan your attacks
accordingly. Even in a curve deck, this card can
be effective since you can attack up the curve
with your smaller characters and a few attack
boosts, then slam your opponent's last remaining
little guy without the worry of reinforcement.
DCMA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This card is very
effective for off-curve decks.
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This card is not
team specific.
Limited - 4.0/5.0 ...Attacking up the curve is
almost essential in this format.

Team: JSA
Cost 1
Flight: No
Range: No
Atk / Def: 1/1
Rarity: Common
Text: Concealed - Optional (You may have this
character come into play in the hidden area.)
Exhausted characters you control get +1 ATK/+1
DEF while in combat with a character with
greater cost.
Flavor: "Play hard, but play fair. That way,
nobody has to get hurt."
I am only partly in favor of hidden characters.
Mostly because I like having people on the
field. When it comes to low cost, and low
defense characters, I am more excepting of
Standard 1 drop here. 1 attack, 1 Defense. The
up side, Exhausted characters get a +1/+1 when
dealing with higher cost characters. Down side,
they have to be both exhausted, and fighting
someone of a higher drop.
While I understand that the JSA are all about
dealing up the curve, having to be exhausted
works only when your on the defense. The other
issue I find with it, is the influx of the multi
team decks, of the best of each team, with very
high number of low drops to flood the field. On
the off chance you are dealing with a curve
deck, then you still have to take in account
that when given the chance, they will go up the
curve not down. With Anti Green Army being a 4/4
one drop, and the FF having Thing on any drop
being bigger than everything else, I see little
reason to fully deal with defending from higher
drops, and being exhausted. While it can help,
and if done right work, planning on it all the
time is going to hurt in the long run.
Not dismissing it all together mind you. But
with a 1/1 that is going to get stomped on if
seen, and be little help while off to the side
doing nothing..there is little need for this one
card, unless you need filler.
Playability 2/5
xstreamzero |
The Terrific
Here it is. My favorite cards in the set.
Terry Slone <> Mr. Terrific
Golden Age Gold Medalist
Concealed – Optional
Exhausted characters you control get + 1 ATK /
+1 DEF while in combat with a character with a
greater cost.
Michael Holt <> Mr. Terrific
Renaissance Man
Range, Concealed – Optional
Exhausted JSA characters you control get +1 ATK
/ +1 DEF while in combat with a character with a
greater cost.
Concealed – Optional
T-Spheres cost 1 less to recruit while you
control a JSA character.
Equipped character gets +3 ATK / +3 DEF while in
combat with a character with a greater cost.
These are the three cards that allow me to start
winning, turn four and onwards. Therefore, these
are currently my favorite modern age cards,
because they’re broken. Play both characters on
turn four with a few small characters already on
the board and everyone will essentially get a
+3/+3. If you got T-Spheres, you give someone a
+6/+6 boost, the equivalent of a really good
three drop. But if you play straight JSA, the
team is only good. You gotta team up with other
teams to make this tactic much more proficient.
Like having a bunch of JSA/Injustice Gang army 1
drops. Or using Connie Web to get out your low
drops. And you need to play cards to exhaust
your characters like Deflection or Revitalize
when you have an off initiative. Or use Blue
Beetle, exhaust somebody AND get a T-Spheres.
There’s a lot going for this tactic that can go
in almost any team and still be good.
The only flaw in this strategy is if your
opponent underdrops or swarms you as well. In
which case, you’re pretty much dead. But I’ve
never played anyone who has underdropped me. So
I’m happy.
DC Modern: When Injustice Swarm moves out of
rotation… 5/5
Silver Age: You’ll see a lot more army decks,
but it’s still good. 4/5
Golden Age This tactic dies out, especially to
High Voltage… 1/5
Overall: 3/5
These guys are so much fun, I’m way too biased
on these cards. Take it as you will…