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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Michael Holt <>
Mr. Terrific
Card #DCR-017
Concealed—Optional (You may have this character come
into play in the hidden area.)
Exhausted JSA characters you control get +2 ATK / +2
DEF while in combat with a character with greater
Date Reviewed: 08.23.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 2.8
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Holt<>Mr. Terrific
Michael Holt is the bigger, badder form of Mr.
Terrific. As a 3-drop with stats of 4/4, he may
seem a little underpowered at first but his
effect is what makes this guy so great. This
character gives all exhausted JSA characters
+2/+2 while in combat with a character of
greater cost. Much like Terry Sloane, this card
can really shine when you have the initiative,
but his effect is only good for JSA characters.
This is a real drawback for those looking for a
new character to throw into their off-curve
deck, as now you need to team-up with JSA to
truly be effective. However, I feel that this
stipulation is what keeps the card from being
broken. If this effect worked for any exhausted
character I think we would see this card showing
up everywhere....after all when you are running
an off-curve deck +2/+2 is a big boost.
DCMA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...This character may
be team-stamped, but he is great regardless.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...In the right deck
this card is gold.
Limited - 2.5/5.0 ...The team-stamp restriction
on this card is a significant drawback.
Bunch |
Michael Holt
<> Mr. Terrific
Well, I missed Monday's review because of
work-related stuff (like having to actually do
work...so unfair).
On the other hand, this means that I can look at
both Mr. Terrifics at the same time. Terrific!
One of the themes of the JSA comics has been
older heroes of the Silver Age meshing with the
new generation of heroes, many of them bearing
the identities of former JSA members. That
interaction was the inspiration for the many
effects that key off of identity in the JSA
team. The Mr. Terrifics not only share an
identity, but they also help enable another of
the JSA's themes; attacking up the curve.
With both of them being Concealed-Optional, they
have the ability to stay behind the scenes and
act in more of an enhancement role instead of
directly attacking.
However, they both have decent stats, esepcially
when attacking up the curve and gaining the
benefits of their own powers. JSA Short Curve
hasn't made much of a splash in constucted, but
as a sealed strategy, it's won more than a few
PCQ's. T-Spheres rounds out the up-curve
goodness, and a T-Spheres equipped Michael Holt
can swing into a 4 drop or higher with a total
9/9 stats. With a suite of decent low costed
characters, plus Advance Warning to help boost
the DEF of your underdrops, it's a strategy
that's only a few cards or one innovative
deckbuilder away from being a viable Tier 1 DC
Modern deck.
Both Mr Terrifics are good in Sealed or Draft,
although Michael Holt requires you to bring in
some more JSA characters, plus hitting a teamup
would be
helpful as well. Michael Holt on 3 can set up
attacks up the curve, allowing you to force
breakthrough onto their smaller characters later
Sometimes it'll be more advantageous to pass on
attacking with Michael Holt, just to make sure
he stays around into the later turns, where he
has synergy with Power Girl.
Rating: 3.5/5
xstreamzero |
Terry Slone
<> Mr. Terrific
Michael Holt <> Mr. Terrific
The Terrific Duo
Here it is. My favorite cards in the set.
Terry Slone <> Mr. Terrific
Golden Age Gold Medalist
Concealed – Optional
Exhausted characters you control get + 1 ATK /
+1 DEF while in combat with a character with a
greater cost.
Michael Holt <> Mr. Terrific
Renaissance Man
Range, Concealed – Optional
Exhausted JSA characters you control get +1 ATK
/ +1 DEF while in combat with a character with a
greater cost.
Concealed – Optional
T-Spheres cost 1 less to recruit while you
control a JSA character.
Equipped character gets +3 ATK / +3 DEF while in
combat with a character with a greater cost.
These are the three cards that allow me to start
winning, turn four and onwards. Therefore, these
are currently my favorite modern age cards,
because they’re broken. Play both characters on
turn four with a few small characters already on
the board and everyone will essentially get a
+3/+3. If you got T-Spheres, you give someone a
+6/+6 boost, the equivalent of a really good
three drop. But if you play straight JSA, the
team is only good. You gotta team up with other
teams to make this tactic much more proficient.
Like having a bunch of JSA/Injustice Gang army 1
drops. Or using Connie Web to get out your low
drops. And you need to play cards to exhaust
your characters like Deflection or Revitalize
when you have an off initiative. Or use Blue
Beetle, exhaust somebody AND get a T-Spheres.
There’s a lot going for this tactic that can go
in almost any team and still be good.
The only flaw in this strategy is if your
opponent underdrops or swarms you as well. In
which case, you’re pretty much dead. But I’ve
never played anyone who has underdropped me. So
I’m happy.
DC Modern: When Injustice Swarm moves out of
rotation… 5/5
Silver Age: You’ll see a lot more army decks,
but it’s still good. 4/5
Golden Age This tactic dies out, especially to
High Voltage… 1/5
Overall: 3/5
These guys are so much fun, I’m way too biased
on these cards. Take it as you will…

Team: JSA
Drop: 3
Flight: No
Range: Yes
Atk / Def: 4/4
Rarity: Common
Text: Concealed - Optional (You may have this
character come into play in the hidden area.)
Exhausted JSA characters you control get +2 ATK/+2
DEF while in combat with a character with
greater cost.
Flavor: "Terry used to say that nobody had to
get hurt. Was he a simpler man? Or was it just a
simpler time?"
Sticking with the theme this week. Again a card
that is normal for the drop, but has rang. Who
can come into play hidden or not (that's a plus)
and gives characters a +2/+2 when dealing with
higher cost characters, while exhausted.
If your playing with the one drop Terrific, and
hide them both, hoping that no one drags them
out and spanks them, you will get a nice +3/+3
when dealing with attackers of higher cost, when
you're exhausted. Seems like a waste of two
characters. Fighting to stop them from getting
stunned, and keeping characters unstunned, while
wishing that people only toss higher drops at
Rating: 2/5