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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Dr. Minerva - Starforce
Card #MHG_051
Reservist, Press
When Dr. Minerva comes into play, reveal the top
three cards of your deck. Put a revealed Kree
character card into your hand and the remaining
cards on the bottom of your deck.
Date Reviewed: 08.31.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 4.5
Limited Average Rating: 3.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Dr. Minerva -
Basics - Minerva is a 2-drop Kree character with
stats of 2/3 and range. She has the reservist
ability, which many of you may already know
about, and a new ability called press. This
basically means that a character recruited after
this character costs one less to recruit (unless
it is a 1-drop). When this character comes into
play, she also has the added ability of allowing
you to reveal the top 3 cards of your deck. You
can then put a revealed Kree character card into
your hand and the reaming cards on the bottom of
your deck.
Constructed play - Minerva is an extremely
strong character in this format. Her press
ability coupled with her search capabilities
makes this character a must in a Kree deck.
Limited - Minerva is not as good as she first
appears in this format. Kree characters can be
hard to come by so having a Kree character in
the top 3 cards of your deck is not a guarantee
by any means. While her press and reservist
abilities adds to her appeal in constructed,
being able to pull off press in sealed play is
very difficult at best. Your best bet is to stay
away from Kree if possible in sealed unless you
have a large amount of Kree characters.
MMA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...This is a great
character for Kree decks.
GA constructed - 4.0/5.0...ditto
Limited - 2.5/5.0 ...This character has the
reservist ability, which may be all you get out
of her.
Bunch |
Dr. Minerva,
Today's card, Dr. Minerva, is a nice utility
character with a very useful effect. When it
comes into play, you reveal the top three cards
of your deck and put a Kree character into your
hand. You don't have the discard that usually
comes with this type of effect (e.g. JSA
Headquarters, Divination), so you gain a card's
worth of advantage right off the bat. Being a
Press character, you can safely play her on
later turns, knowing that she's making your
bigger characters cost less, or allowing you to
dig for that bigger character if you don't have
it in hand just yet. 2/3 is a decent body,
although you'll need pumps to be able to stun
anything over a 2 cost. However, once the come
into play effect resolves, there's nothing else
good about her. Granted, the Kree have some good
swarming strategies, so just its presence on the
field can enable some cards. As a Reservist, you
have another way to get some use out of it, then
bring it out later.
In Sealed pack, Dr. Minerva isn't a bad choice
for a Kree or Press heavy deck. Good 2 drops are
always a good pick, and Dr. Minerva qualifies as
Although, this set does have a fair share of
search, so spending your two resource points on
a crapshoot search effect may not be the best
use of your limited resources; it's pretty much
up to what kind of deck you were able to build.
xstreamzero |
Dr. Minerva
Next, we have ourselves a Kree preview, and one
with press to boot.
Dr. Minerva
Range, Reservist, Press
When Dr. Minerva comes into play, reveal the top
3 cards of your deck. Put a revealed Kree
character card into your hand and the remaining
cards on the bottom of your deck.
In case you've been living under a rock for the
past month, Press makes so that when you recruit
the card, your next recruit cost 1 less for
every Press character you recruited this turn. I
have yet to see a 1 drop with press, but if that
exists, you can virtually play all drops on the
turn you're on. If it's turn 5, you can play 1,
2, 3, 4, and 5 all on the same turn, so long as
you play it just like that. And those crazy
people at Upperdeck were clever enough to make
it so that you can't play high drops early in
the game. So if it's turn 5, you can't have a
card that cost higher than 5. It's just not
possible. So let me give some advice when using
#1 There is no advantage of Pressing before turn
5. (Unless there is a 1 drop press)
#2 It's better to recruit a 2, 3, and 4 drop on
turn 5 than one 5 drop
#3 Do not return characters back to your hand
until they have already stunned another
character in play
Anyway, the review...
You know what I said about tutors. Acceleration
is second best. If you can't search for it, draw
it out. The Kree doesn't have a tutor, at least
not one that I know of. They have this and
Genetic Destiny, which both do virtually the
same thing (Genetic reveals four, big deal). But
they are both good at what they do. And if you
return Minerva back to your hand, that's another
free character you get. Acceleration leads to
card advantage, which leads to wins.
Marvel Modern: Sexy 5/5
Silver Age: Still Sexy 5/5
Golden Age: Super Sexy 5/5
Overall: 5/5
Like tutors, accelerators are also staples in
many decks all around the world.