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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Brainiac 5.1
Querl Dox
Card #DLS-004
Remove a cosmic counter from a character you control
>>> Look at the top three cards of your deck. Put
one of them into your hand and the rest on the
bottom of your deck. Use this power only once per
Date Reviewed: 12.11.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.625
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.87
Limited Average Rating: 4
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Brainiac 5.1
Basics: This is one of the top 3 cards to come
out of Legions imo. Not does this guy have a
nice beefy defense, but he also has an awesome
cosmic-ish ability of putting a card into your
hand. He does have the downside of being a rare,
having loyalty, and a sub-par attack but you can
easily work around those issues for extra draw
ability - especially since Brainic's effect
isn't limited to Brainic himself.
Constructed play: I am going to go out on a limb
here and say that this card is a must for anyone
that wants to play Legionnaires or a
Legionnaires variation deck. Perhaps the only
deck that might find favor elsewhere is a
Heralds/Legionnaires deck, but that is only
because Heralds has so much draw power already.
What the heck - you could always use a little
more draw, couldn't you?
Limited - What I learned in limited is this:
This card can save your life..especially since
legionnaires pretty much sucks otherwise....
DCMA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...Yes, I think this
card is that good...
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...There are a lot of
things in this format that can get through an 11
Limited - 4.0/5.0 ...Putting cards in your hand
in this format can win you the game...
Bunch |
Well, it's
finally time to dig into the new Legion of Super
Heroes set, and we're starting off the week with
one of my personal favorites (and a card that
won me some games at the prerelease), Brainiac
5.1. Brainy isn't much of a combat card, but 11
DEF will stonewall most attacks. His ability is
what makes him an MVP though, letting you look
at the top three cards of your deck and put one
in your hand, all for the cost of one cosmic
counter. The "cosmic counter as payment" theme
of the Legionnaires is an interesting one, since
you don't have to worry about a character
getting stunned and losing his cosmic ability.
Wait until a character you control is in combat,
then remove the counter; you might get lucky and
pull something that will prevent the stun, and
if not, at least you'll be one card ahead of the
opponent, and you were going to lose that cosmic
counter anyway.
Time will tell how the Legionnaires do in
constructed, although I'm looking forward to
building a Heralds/Legionnaires Cosmic deck for
Modern Age.
In Limited formats, Brainy is a real star. The
Legion team has a lot of different tools in the
Sealed format, which makes it a lot easier to
fulfill Brainy's loyalty. This is a format
without a lot of pumps, so opponents will have
to team attack into him to stun him, or wait
until turn 6 to get him out of the way. Card
draw is always good in a limited format, and
Brainiac singlehandedly helped me into a needed
drop or teamup during the prerelease tournament.
He's not an automatic first pick in draft, but
he's a high pick if you're planning on going
heavy into Legion, so keep your eye on him.
Rating: 4.5/5
Undefeated of the East |
Brainiac 5.1,
Querl Dox
To start off this guy is of the Legionnaires
team and he is a 5 drop. I believe everybody
from that team has flight(not because they were
all naturally gifted with flight, but the ring
they wear not only act as a communicator, but
bestows the gift of flight) 8/11 stats are good,
average 5 drops would need some sort of atk
boost for the stun, and incidently this applies
to Braniac too. Loyalty-Reveal is one of the
easier conditions to meet to recruit a character
card since there are 3 zones you can have a
character that shares an affiliation and those
are in your in play zone, hand, and resource
row. He has Cosmic, but no relevant text
following it. His effect lets you remove a
cosmic counter from any character you control
and you can look at the top 4 cards of your
deck, put 1 in your hand, and the rest on the
bottom of your deck in any order. This is a nice
once per turn effect. Letting you pick the best
card for the situation out of 4 is nice because
nobody can argue with card advantage. Altho you
have to remove a cosmic counter there are lots
of ways to restore those counters these days.
Golden Age: 2/5 This format has 2 extremes:
decks that beats you by turn 4 and the decks
that stall you into a position where you can't
possibly win. I don't think this guy helps
either decks, or help decks counter the extreme
Silver Age: 3.5/5 This format is a little slower
than GA, how good he is is almost rested on how
good the Legionnaires are.
Modern Age: 3.5/5 With the format only allowing
HoG, MXM, Infinite Crisis and LoS. There is a
chance this card would be more used than the
other 2 formats, but my money will be on Kree
Press and Checkmate w/ VU or Heralds to take the
top spots.
xstreamzero |
Brainiac 5.1
This is going to be the best week of my life.
Not because I get to review Legion cards, no.
It's because I have 4 finals up the yin-yang.
Brainiac 5.1
Flight, Loyalty - Reveal
Remove a cosmic counter from a character you
control > Look at the top three
cards of your deck. Put one of those cards in
your hand and the rest on the bottom of your
deck in any order. Use this power only once per
This is perhaps one of the coolest 5 drops ever.
8/11 stats are really good.
The ability to accelerate is also great, all at
the cost of a cosmic counter. Even though I
don't really like the Legionnaires team because
all they have is a bunch of random cosmic
abilities, I still like this card.
It's probably because I won two Extended Arts at
the Sneak preview, but that's beside the point.
DC Modern: 4/5
Silver Age: 4/5
Golden Age 3/5
Overall: 4/5
Brainiac is the only good Legionnaire. Don't
play with anything else.