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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
- King of the Seven Seas
Card #DJL-002
Date Reviewed: 02.03.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.75
Limited Average Rating: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Aquaman -
King of the Seven Seas
As far as JLA 7-drops go, this guy is probably
the best. He may not have flight or range, but
his stats are definitely par at 15/16. He is an
uncommon, which makes him that much easier to
get and his willpower isn't too shabby either.
However, the reason this card is so great is
that at the start of the combat phase you can
get up to 3 cards from your KO'd pile each turn
(1 card for each character adjacent to Aquaman).
Now that is pretty nice! Did I mention that this
card is probably the best looking foil from the
DCMA constructed - 4.0/5.0 -This character can
be splashed in any deck that wants a little
something extra in the end.
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 -This card probably
works best in JLA for this format.
Limited - 4.5/5.0 -This guy is an excellent
choice for your 7-drop.
Bunch |
Aquaman, King
of the Seven Seas
Since I missed Wednesday's review, here it is in
capsule: Nth Metal is the bomb in Limited.
Now for today's card. Aquaman is pretty nice
with an extra point of DEF on the standard 7
drop body. No flight or range make him a little
less desireable, but it's his ability that makes
him playable. G-Lock decks have been
experimenting with Aquaman in the 7 drop slot
because of his Willpower and because you can use
him to get back used Cover Fires and Lanterns in
Love in order to make it to turns 8 and 9. In an
offensive deck, it's nice to be able to use a
lot of pumps on 5 and 6, knowing that you can
get them back on 7. However, you've got to keep
3 guys on the field in order to get the most
from his Leader ability.
He's not just limited to plot twists either, you
can get back characters and use them to trigger
Ally abilities in a JLA build. He might even be
worth splashing into a Curve Sentinels build in
order to get back those Reconstruction Programs.
Any deck would like to get 3 cards back from the
KO'd pile for free, so Aquaman may be splashed
into a variety of decks in the near future.
In Limited, he's got good 7 drop stats and a
good ability. He's also worth playing in order
to powerup the 3 drop Aquaman, who just may be
one of the best 3 drops in Limited. JLA is
pretty easy to draft, since most people are
trying for Secret Society and Injustice Gang
cards, so you can snag some good early picks
while flying under the radar.
Rating: 4/5
Sith Dragon |
JLA: 7 drop
No F/R
Willpower 4
Leader: At the start of the combat phase,
returna card from your KO'd pile to your hand
for each character adjacent to Auqaman.
Can you say universal 7 drop?! He lacks flight
and range, and a 15/16 is slightly above norm,
but that's where his averageness ends. He has
willpower 4, so he can use all willpower cards,
especially my favorite - Wall of Will, but his
leader effect is what is so good. Note the way
two parts of the text are worded.
'a card' - this means you can go get anything
you want from your KO'd pile whether it be a
character to pump a brotherhood character again,
or a plot twist to play another fizle, or savage
beatdown. Dropped into decks that run off of
certain cards this guy could be key to gettig
them back.
'any character' - that's right. ANY character,
so with that he is playable in any deck as he
doesnt ned it to be a JLA or teamed-up
character. On average you may get about 2 cards,
but even one, if its the right one, can be big.
If your team does not have a solid 7 drop,
consider trying this guy. He may do wonders.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"