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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha!
Card #DJL-065
Date Reviewed: 01.02.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.75
Limited Average Rating: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Bwa Ha Ha Ha
Today it looks like we are going to delve back
into the 4resource JLI deck and take a look at a
rather interesting PT that supports the build.
Bwa Ha Ha Ha Ha! allows you to negate a non-omgoing
plot twist that is targeting one of your
characters so long as you control a JLI
character and have 4 or fewer resources. First
of all let me say that this card only belongs in
a resource limited JLI deck. Of course you could
try a JLI variation, but then there is a good
chance that the 'resouce limitation' will get
screwed up. So how good is this card anyway?
Well it isn't as good at it first appears. First
of all it is a 3-cost PT. This isn't to bad, but
if you are fighting with keeping your resources
low, you don't want your opponent getting early
field advantage also. Second and third it only
stops targeting PT's. Now stopping targeting
effects would be one thing, or PT's another but
the fact that has to be a PT and targeting is
not all that great. Sure this card can come
through should the situation arise and you need
it, but I wouldn't necessarily put 4 of these
into my deck.
DCMA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...In this format I
tend to worry more about targeting character
effects than targeting PT effects
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...Here you have more
targeting PT's to deal with
Limited - 1.5/5.0 ...With all the restrictions
on this card, it is highly doubtful that you
will be able to use it much
Bunch |
Bwa Ha Ha Ha
Here's another card that makes JLI 4 Resource
(there has got to be a nickname for that by now)
viable, as this negates non-ongoing plot twists
that target a character. This is a narrow focus,
but one that's fairly beneficial to you. Not
only can you stop your opponent from doing bad
things to your guys, but you can also them from
playing offense or defensive pumps on their
guys. Its pretty straightforward, there's one
deck that this works well in, and that's what it
was designed to do.
In limited, the J4R strategy works better in
draft than in sealed, but don't let this cards
force you into it too early. If this shows up as
your 4th or 5th card, then you have a chance of
being able to draft a decent J4R (I hate this
nickname for it
already) deck. Otherwise, leave it for the rare
Rating: 4/5
Sith Dragon |
Plot Twist: 3
If you control four or fewer resources and a JLI
character, negate target non-ongoing plot twist
effect that targets a character.
This is perhaps the second funnest card to
pronounce right next to its companion Kooey
Kooey Kooey, and is perhaps the second most
important JLI support card for the JLI-4 decks.
The JLI-4 deck is the ONLY deck you will want to
use this in. Being a 3-cost and you can only
have four resources, this cards use window is
way to small for any other deck. A 3-cost is no
big deal as your opponent will not use very many
cards worth stopping before turn 3.
this card is a fizzle with one restriction. The
card it negates has to target a character. This
will help you stop most all combat and defensive
pumps in the game, but If you play this card in
a tourney, you will quickly realize how many
cards are played that will jam you up and will
NOT target a character.
In the end this is still a very good card that
will stop a great many cards, and JLI-4 needs
all the help it can get to hang with curve
decks. The targeting restriction simply means
you run 2-3 instead of four like you would with
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"