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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Crisis on Infinite Earths
Card #DJL-174
Date Reviewed: 01.10.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 2.7
Limited Average Rating: 1.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Crisis of
Infinite Earths
With so many versions of Superman and Batman
running around, we were bound to get a card like
this eventually. Crisis on Infinite Earths takes
away all team affiliations of your characters
and gives them the Crisis affiliation. What
makes this card such a neat card is that it also
takes away uniqueness. Now you have to keep in
mind that when you recruit a character you still
have to ko all other characters you control with
both the same name and version and it also takes
away all of your team-stamped PTs. However, this
card can be used for a variety of interesting
decks. Imagine combining all of the Superman
characters from different sets....that would be
a neat deck to see (perhaps a little like
Sentinels?). Although not broken (thankfully),
this card is still very powerful in the right
DCMA constructed - 2.0/5.0 ...You probably won't
see this card played here since there are more
effective team-ups.
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This card is very
powerful...in the right deck. Removing
uniqueness opens up a variety of new doors.
Limited - 1.0/5.0 ...I don't see this card being
very effective in this format.
Bunch |
Crisis on
Infinite Earths, Team Up
I haven't really decided where I stand yet on
this card. On the one hand, a card that lets you
disregard the uniqueness rule has a lot of
potential. However, taking away all team
affiliations hurts because a lot of the
characters you'd like to have multiple versions
of in play (Doom, Superman) have teamstamped
abilities or restrictions. Giving all characters
in your hand, deck, KO'd pile, and field the
Crisis affiliation means that you could
conceivably just build a deck of the biggest
beaters at each drop and be able to reinforce
and team attack with them all, as long as you
protect your Team Up. It'd also be an
interesting card to use in Sealed, say if you
got stuck without any of the good teamstamped
plot twists. I'm sure there's a combo deck or
two just waiting to be built to exploit this
card, and darned if I don't know what it is yet.
It could be on par with RamaLight or Rigged
Elections though, time will tell. Also, the
Crisis affiliation could be useful depending on
what comes in the Infinite Crisis set in a few
months, so keep your eyes out, and keep a set of
this card handy just in case.
Rating: 2/5 (as of now)
Sith Dragon |
Crisis on
Infinite Earths
Plot twist: 2
ONGOING: Characters you control as well as cards
in your hand, KO'd pile and deck lose all team
affiliations, have the Crisis affiliation, and
cannot have any team affiliation other than
Character cards you control are not unique.
Whenever you recruit a character, KO all
characters you control with both the same name
and versions as that card.
This is perhaps the funnest card of the set in
my opinion. It is also one of the hardest to
pull from what I have seen here locally. I am
not sure any tier one decks can be made out of
this, but if you can find the right mix of
characters with the right effects, it can be a
blast to play.
This card can be used two ways. It is a team up
card that can bring any and all characters into
the same team. It also allows you to bring out
many different versions of the same character,
so long as the are not the exact same character
card as a character you already control. It
could help those of you who want to do a Batman
deck with batman as your main drop from 3-7 as
an example.
The best thing about this card is that they did
a VERY good job balancing it. You cant bring out
multiple Blackfire's for instance and stun their
entire team without losing one character of your
own. The other drawback is that MOST of the best
effects require you to have another character of
the same team in play to use or simply have that
team on the board. Those effects are worthless
as your characters can only have the Crisis
Two other drawbacks are if you don't draw the
card fast enough, you may have all the curved
characters in your hand but if they are all
Batman without the team up you are sunk. Also,
If you have several of one character out, and
your CoIE is destroyed, unless you can replace
it before the end of the recruit phase, you are
going to lose all of your multiple characters.
This is an entirely fun card for now, but it is
indeed a card to have fun with. It can also be
used on unaffiliated characters as a team up
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"