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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Plastic Man
Card #DJL-017
Date Reviewed: 01.12.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 1
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 1
Limited Average Rating: 1
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Bunch |
Plastic Man
This is a fun card, but not a very competitive
Sure, his defense could be 7, 8, or 9 when you
play him on turn 3, but his defense could also
be 0, 1, or 2 just as easily. Couple that with
the fact that his attack is only going to be 3
or 4 at best, and he's not that playable. I'm
sure they gave him Evasion as a way to
manipulate your endurance total in order to
tweak his stats, but a smart opponent will
manage his attacks in order to keep Plastic Man
as small as possible. Unless you're playing some
crazy lifegain deck, keep him in the trade
binder. On the plus side, his foil version looks
pretty sweet.
Rating: 1/5
Sith Dragon |
Plastic Man
JLA 3 drop
EVASION. At the start of the combat phase,
Plastic man gets +X ATK where X is the tens
digit of your endurance, and +Y DEF where Y is
the ones digit of your endurance.
The first time i read this card I had a
flashback to beginning Algebra, panicked, and
passed out. When I came too, and they said I
wasn't back in school, I relaxed and learned
that despite the headache of trying to figure
out and keep track of PM's continously changing
stats (actually because of the ever changing
stats) that this was a very good card.
Lamens terms PM is a X/Y when your endurance is
XY. Your attack will never be greater than 5
(usually a 4) and his DEF can be anywhere from
0-9. You actually hope that you get popped for a
point or two when he comes out because then your
DEF will be from 9-7 for turn 3 with a 4 ATK. It
is very possible that at the start of turn four
you may be a 4/0 or something similiar. Most
opponents will salivate over being able to skack
you for a ton of straight points, BUT thats when
you simply evade the attack, and most likely
next turn he will have a hardy DEF once more
depending on the rest of the turn.
I drew two of these in a sealed tourney, and he
almost single-handedly won me the game, as he
stalled and hit back early. The one shot my
opponent had on him i simply evaded and mad him
go after my bigger four drop.
He and Zauriel are my two favorite 3 drops for
JLA, unless you are going for equips. This is a
much more solid card than he may appear. Try him
in your deck and you may be surprised.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"

Nakaiya21 |
Plastic Man
can I say about this card. Well the
alternative art form of this card is
awesome. Ok,
that is about it on the positive note.
I would love to endorse this card,
simply for the fact that its ability is
really neat and totally unique.
However, being that this card gets X
attack (the tens digit of your
endurance) and X defense (the ones digit
of your endurance) this card can best be
described as shaky at best. What I can
tell you is this...90% of the time this
guy will only have a 4 attack when he
hits the field. He will usually have a
decent defense at this point, but this
will be fleeting at best. He has range,
which can be useful since you are going
to need to hide this guy starting turn
4. His saving grave is evasion since
you can get him off the field when
needed, but this opens up issues
regarding board control and taking
endurance loss just because your
character all of a sudden became
sub par.
His effect also triggers at the start of
the combat phase which is nice (since
endurance you take during the attack
step will not affect him) but this also
leaves him open to effects during the
draw and build phases (since he will be
a 0/0 character). If his effect
triggered during the start of the draw
phase then this guy would certainly
deserve to be a rare. As it is, he
becomes a
sub par rare that can be used in
a fun deck.
constructed - 2.0/5.0 ...This card was
really made for fun more than anything
GA constructed - 2.0/5.0 ...ditto
Limited - 2.5/5.0 ...With his ability to
have a slightly higher defense, it might
be worth it to throw this guy in...after
all sometimes he might just be the best
thing you have going for your 3-drops