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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
UN General Assembly
Card #DJL-074
Date Reviewed: 01.17.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.75
Limited Average Rating: 3.9
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
UN General
Today we are going to take a look at yet another
card for JLI - UN General Assembly. Basically
this card is great if you are thinking about
teaming up JLI/JLA. After all there are a few
characters out there (i.e. Martian Manhunter)
that have JLI/JLA and can be searched for via
this card with out the necessity of having a
team up card on the field. Of course there are
other possibilities out there, like using a team
up card to get your dual affiliations, but then
you have to weigh the good of the team up with
the space it will take up in your deck. Right
now I am not so sure that teaming up JLI with
another team will make the affiliation stronger
than it already is.
DCMA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...Regardless it is
still a search card.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...Team up cards don't
stand a great chance of lasting in this format.
Limited - 4.5/5.0 ...With all the team ups out
there, you stand a good chance of teaming up
something with JLI.
Bunch |
UN General
One of the things that makes a team playable or
not is whether they have a decent search card.
This is that card for JLI. Exhausting a
character isn't a bad cost at all, especially
since you don't have to discard like you do with
Signal Flare and Bat-Signal.
However, being forced to search for a character
with two affiliations does narrow your options a
bit. The way it's worded, it sounds like you'd
be able to search for a card with a single
affiliation as long as it's teamed up. For
example, if you've got JLI and Fantastic Four
teamed up, then you could search for Thing
because he would have two team affilations due
to the team-up on the field. That expands the
usefulness of the card by a lot, assuming you
pull your team-ups early. Being a rare takes
some of the shine off though, it makes it
tougher to compile a playset of these, and
you'll want to run 4 copies of this card in your
In Limited, it's still a good pick, as you only
have to have one JLI character on the board to
exhaust, and dual-affiliated characters are all
over the place here. Is it a first pick?
Maybe...consistency is huge in this format.
Rating: 4/5
scyther8 |
"Maybe it
just collapsed on its own!"
Today we review a JLI twist that is valued is
most builds concerning or involving JLI in any
regard, U.N. General Assembly.
U.N. General Assembly
Plot Twist
Threshold Cost 2
Rarity: Rare
Effect: You may exhaust a JLI character you
control. If you do, search your deck for a
character card with two or more team
affiliations, reveal it, put it into your hand,
and shuffle your deck.
It has the same character tutor cost as
Bat-Signal does but it's a rare essentially. For
the extra price it costs to actually acquire the
card, you get a lot more versatility. That being
able to take ANY dual affiliated character your
deck possesses at the cost of the exhaustion.
This is especially useful if you're playing a
JLI team-up with a team-up that affects the deck
with the extra affiliations. (i.e. World's
Heroes.) As with all character tutors, it's only
as good as the characters you're playing.
DC Modern Age: 4/5 Character search is valuable
regardless of the format.
Golden Age: 4/5 See DC Modern Age.
Sealed/Draft: 2.5/5 If you're able to get a lot
of JLI characters and this, definetly play it.
Otherwise, pass.
Sith Dragon |
UN general
plot twist: 2
you may exhaust a JLI character you control. If
you do, search your deck for a charactercard
with two or more team affiliations, reveal it,
piut into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Two words - waste-of-space. This is a card that
should really only be played in a JLI team-up
deck. JLI by itself favors the JLI-4 build, but
can be improved in a team-up deck with, say, JLA.
The good side to this card is that if you are
teaming JLI up, this is perhaps the second best
searcher in the game, right behind Avengers
Assemble. All you have to do is exhast a
character, which is easy enough to do on the
defensive. No discard or anything, making it a
free character in most cases.
The dowside to this card is that it has to have
two affiliations. While there are plenty of
characters that have two affiliations on their
own, there are not enought to really warrant the
use of this card outside of a JLI team-up deck.
If you plan on teaming up the JLI, I would
highly recomend this card.....outside of that -
trade it.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"