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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Captain Marvel
- Billy Batson

Card #DJL-043


Date Reviewed: 01.20.06

Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 2.5

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.


Captain Marvel - Billy Batson

Hmmm... I am not sure quite where I stand with this guy. On the one hand he is a beast that can hit the field and make quite the showing. On the other hand his effect sort of hints at using him in the 4-resource JLI deck. Where does this guy belong? Well, I think you could put in any JLI deck you want and he would work pretty well. When it comes to this card I will definitely reserve my judgment for the moment. After all, how many 5 or greater characters can one possibly get on the field with a 4-resource JLI deck or how much better will a curved JLI deck work as compared to the 4-resource deck?

DCMA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...This guy is a beast, but you have to make sure that he has synergy in your deck.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...This character's loyalty limits the types of decks he can be played in.

Limited - 2.5/5.0 ...Loyalty is a big issue here.
Sith Dragon Captain Marvel
JLI 7 drop
loyalty, reservist

reveal and KO captain marvel---->JLI attackers with cost 5 or greater you control get +4 ATK this attack. Use this power only if Captain Marvel is in your resource row.

Captain Marvel is a good card that will seldom see play. For a 7 drop he is quite beefy being a 17/17 and flight is always good, but as i have stated before, JLI is built for the four resource build. IF you instead team them up, most other 7 drops are going to be better. The Cap is going to be used more for his effect. His reservist allows you to set a destroyable resource, which is always a plus for JLI-4, and grants characters with cost five or higher to get +4 ATK when either attacking or defending.

The reason i say this card will be seldom played is that there are better power boosting cards that can be played on characters other than your five drop. On a deck based on four or lower (but yes you do run 5 drops) this card can be limited in use. With JLI-4 you will run out of room in a hurry, so more times than not, even though he is actually a pretty good card, Captain Marvel usually won't see play.

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