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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Lex Luthor
Card #DJL-090
Date Reviewed: 01.23.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating:
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating:
Limited Average Rating:
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Lex Luthor-
Nefarious Philanthropist
So every now and then I find a new deck that I
can't help but rave about. This time it is the
injustice/doom deck. What makes this deck so
great? Well, you will have to build it to find
out. However, in the mean time I have decided
this week's COD will be devoted to the injustice
gang side of this awesome deck.
To begin, let's look at one of the crutches for
this deck- Lex Luthor. Injustice Gang is all
about giving your opponent their entire deck and
then screwing them over with it. Lex is one way
of making it happen. You see every turn that Lex
is on the field, your opponent HAS to draw two
cards during the build phase. Then they can only
play ONE plot twist the entire turn. The thing
is no one out there really knows how devastating
this can be unless they have suffered from the
effects of this card. Thus, this card is usually
last to be hit in combat. Although his stats are
not too shabby for his drop, they are certainly
not the reason you will want to play this card.
His leader ability is pretty nice also,
especially for those IG variation decks **cough,
DCMA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...Only being able to
play one PT can hurt your opponent a lot.
GA constructed - 4.0/5.0 ...This card is awesome
in this format since there is so much you can
stop with this character.
Limited - 4.5/5.0 ...This character can do so
much in this format. If you see him, you always
take him!
Bunch |
Lex Luthor
Simply put, he is the cornerstone of any
Injustice Gang build. He fills your opponent's
hand and prevents them from dumping the plot
twists out of it.
You mulligan for him, you tutor for him, you get
him out early and protect him. If you're playing
against IG, you KO Lex as early as possible, or
else you're in for a world of hurt on turn 5 and
In Limited, if you can score Lex and Scarecrow,
it's going to be pretty tough for you to lose.
Easily a first pick in a draft.
Rating: 5/5
Sith Dragon |
Lex Luthor
3 drop
no F/R
At the start of the build phase, each of your
opponents draws two cards. If he does, that
opponent cannot play more than one plot twist
this turn.
LEADER. Characters adjacent to Lex have the IG
This is a great card if you know what you are
doing with him. A 4/5 is very solid on turn 3
even though he lacks flight or range. His dual
affiliation really doesnt mean much, although
his leader ability is a very nice way to bring
in other characters from other teams and
instantly have them teamed up, which is where
this card is so good.
If you havent seen a good IG deck in play they
are very nasty when they team up with Dr Doom.
They load up your hand and then doom/joker keep
you froom playing them. If you dont have a way
around them in a hurry they are going to own all
over you despite you having 20 cards in your
hand. This deck type will either burn you to the
ground, stall until they can smash you late, or
worse - make you discard your entire hand! Thats
when they pounce. This is a very sublte
character who hides his power well - just like
Lex. Play with him and some of the IG tricks. He
is a very good card when played right, but does
not belong in every deck.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"