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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Dr. Fate's Tower
Card #DCR-177
When you flip Dr.
Fate's Tower, you may discard a card. If you do,
search your deck for a Fate Artifact card, reveal
it, put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Backup: Activate >>> Transfer all equipment on a
character you control to another character you
control. Use this power only during the build phase.
Date Reviewed: 07.05.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 3.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Bunch |
Dr. Fate's
Well, after Monday's dissertation on the Fate
Artifacts, we're taking a look at Dr. Fate's
Tower, an integral support card in the Fate
Artifacts (or,
Fate-O-Tron) strategy.
Dr. Fate's Tower has two abilities. The first
activates when the Tower is first flipped,
allowing you to discard a card and search your
deck for a Fate Artifact. Other equipment search
is out there; both versions of Blue Beetle come
to mind, but it never hurts to have another way
to fetch one. Besides, you'll want the Tower
around for its second ability too. During the
build phase, you can Activate the Tower in order
to take all of the equipment attached to one of
your characters and transfer it to another
one. This way, you can keep transfering the Fate
Artifacts to your biggest character every turn,
making it nearly impossible for your opponent to
stun the equipped character. Having to do this
in the build phase means no fancy combat tricks,
like attacking with one Fate-d out character,
then using the Tower to switch it all to another
character and then swing in with them. The good
news is, since it doesn't specify "your" build
phase, you can wait and see what your opponent
recruits and how they form up before deciding
who to transfer your Artifacts to. In addition,
it works with any equipment, so you can attach
any equipment to a smaller character and then
keep moving that equipment up the curve to
benefit your bigger guys. This works especially
well in a Good Guys build in order to keep the
Nth Metals on the characters who need it most.
It works well with Flamethrower too; equip it to
a small drop, exhaust that character to burn for
5, then activate the Tower to give it to a
larger character who can use the +5 ATK.
In Limited, Dr. Fate's Tower is a good card to
include in a Sealed deck. You'll usually pull
one or two Artifacts, so you'll be able to
search one out whenever you're able to flip the
Tower. JSA builds love it because they can move
T-Spheres around to the character that needs it
the most. In Draft, it's not a very high pick,
but worth picking up mid to late in a pack. If
you pull Artifacts early, it's value goes up
slightly. If you go the Checkmate route, it's a
good location to use to empower Brother Eye, as
well as being able to move Tricked Out Sports
Car and Knight Armor around. Drop Ahmed on 3,
use him to grab a Tower, use the Tower to grab
Cloak of Nabu, and you have a beatstick who
can't be targeted by opponent's plot twist
effects. Not too shabby.
In short: Dr. Fate's Tower is a must have for
any deck running the Fate Artifacts. Being able
to choose who has the Artifacts equipped on
every turn is a huge advantage and will force
your opponent to make some difficult choices.
Rating: 3.5/5
Friday: Fate Has Spoken...and he usually says
"Game Over".