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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Card #MXM-033
Date Reviewed: 03.20.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 4.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3.5
Limited Average Rating: 5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
This week we are going to look the money cards
for the new X-men expansion. Starting from the
low end to the high end, these cards are
definitely going for some good money. To start
things off, we are going to take a look at Snikt!
Ok, ok ...In reality there were three cards that
vied for third place as far as the money cards
go. The choice came down to Snikt!, Worthington
Industries, and The Acolytes. However, since
Snikt! has been worth quite a bit from the get
go, and the other two only recently have been
selling high, I figured we should go ahead and
give this card its due.
Snikt! is a rather impressive 3-cost PT that
gives a target attacker or defender you control
+4 attack. It does have one big drawback in the
fact that you have to discard an X-men character
card, but the benefits certainly outweigh the
cost in any X-men/X-men variation deck. (Heck,
if you want you can use Midnight Sons just to
use this card if you really wanted.) Being able
to give +4 to ANY attacker or defender you
control is great and being able to use the card
on your off-initiative helps to insure you won't
be stuck with a dead card in your hand. Of
course it would be nice if this card had a lower
threshold cost, but hey - at least it isn't a
4-cost. This card would probably replace Savage
Beatdown in my X-men deck for its lower cost and
versatility (not to mention lower price).
Bottom Line - Is it worth the money? Well
perhaps. If you are seriously looking at playing
X-men then you will need this card to make tier
1. However I wouldn't necessarily pay more than
$5 a piece for it.
MMA constructed - 4.5/5.0 ...This card
definitely provides bang for the buck, but it
limits your deck.
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...Discarding
characters in this format is tricky...better
stick to Mega Blast.
Limited - 5.0/5.0 ...With the abundance of X-men
characters in this format, playing this card
shouldn't be that hard.
Sith Dragon |
Plot Twist 3
As an additional cost to play Snikt!, discard an
X-Men character card. Target attacker or
defender gets +4 ATK this Attack.
This is a very simple card and s both deserving
and undeserving of being a money card form this
set. With all the discarding X-men have to do,
it can add up in a hurry if you are not careful,
so that is a downer to this card, but giving a
character a +4 ATK is big! And the better thing
is that this card can be used on offense or
defense, which is the sole reason this card is
worth playing. In golden age, I think there are
enough other cards out there worth playing that
this may not make a final cut in X-Men depending
what you are playing, but in Modern this card is
the money! If you pull this, you either have a
pretty good card or REALLY good trading fodder.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"