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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Enemy of My Enemy
Card #MXM-194
Date Reviewed: 03.28.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 4.75
Limited Average Rating: 5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Enemy of My
And now for the most expensive card from this
set - Enemy of My Enemy (EME)
EME is a great deck for anyone playing a
variation deck. In fact it is so good for
variation decks, that in many cases it can
replace the search tutor for each particular
team. In a sense this card combines your search
tutors (in some cases giving you a better search
tutor) and frees up valuable space in your deck.
With a cost of three, this card isn't the lowest
cost search tutor out there, but then again with
everything it is doing for you you can't really
ask for much more. I can certainly see this card
being played in common enemy decks for the most
part, but that doesn't mean it won't go well in
other decks as well.
Bottom line - Is this card really worth it? It
really depends. Many people like to play
variation decks, however with cards like
Betrayal out there I feel a little more secure
in a mono deck. Not being required to have a
team-up in order to search is certainly a plus,
but it will be interesting to see how much this
card goes for when Infinite Crisis hits the
stands. I would certainly pay $10-12 for this
card, however, considering the long-run I
probably wouldn't pay over $15 for it.
MMA constructed - 5.0/5.0 ...This card is an
excellent tool for variation decks.
GA constructed - 4.5/5.0 ...This card is
certainly an excellent addition to many
variation decks, but most decks in this format
will be fine without it.
Limited - 5.0/5.0 ...If you see this card, take
this card!!
Bunch |
Enemy of My
By the time you guys are reading this, I'll be
in Atlanta for Day 1 of the Pro Circuit (and
likely still tired from the LCQ's the day
before). Today's card is going to be in a ton of
decks, and for a very good reason.
If you're running more than one team, then
there's no excuse not to be running Enemy of My
Enemy. Not only is it necessary, it's a 4-of in
just about every multi-team deck. Dump a
character of Team X, and search for any
character that isn't of Team X? And it specifies
a printed affiliation, so you can have your
team-up on the field and still be able to
Excellent card, and with a cost of 3, you're
more likely to have an extra card or two to
pitch for the cost. This will smooth out your
curve, and get cards in the KO'd pile for decks
like Secret Society or anything running Avalon
Space Station.
In Limited, this is the first pick of all first
It will always be a good card in your hand. If
you pass it, you deserve to lose.
Rating: 5/5
Sith Dragon |
Enemy of My
Plot Twist: 3
As an additional cost to play EoME, discard a
character card.
Search your deck for an affiliated character
card that does not share a printed affiliation
with the card you discarded. Reveal that card,
put it into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
Now this is the first of the three cards that
earns its spot as a money card. The other cards
this week have been below average to average
cards that have been made good by a slight tweak
or a word. Today's card gives all team-up decks
a search card, which can be really scary if you
think about some of the team-up decks out there.
By discarding a card, you can go get another
character card.....pretty standard right? It
would be if it stopped there, but this card
allows you to go get a character card with a
different "PRINTED" affiliation. Had it said
simply said different affiliation, it would have
found its way to the bottom of your unused card
pile very quickly because once you teamed-up
your cards this would search card be worthless;
However, since it says printed, it allows you at
any point to go get a character you really need
so long as you have a character card from the
other affiliation to spare for the discard.
This card will not only let you go get the
opposing faction character you need, but
everyone that has run a team-up deck has had
hands where you have the team-up card, but
cannot get the other team's character out on the
field to flip the team-up card. This card
guarantees that you can have your deck teamed-up
by turn three if you have the team-up card
because you can search out that other team's
character. I would honestly consider running
this card over any team stamped character search
cards in a team-up deck because a batsignal does
no good if what you really need to do is go look
for a teen titan and you are not teamed up yet.
The versatility of this card is card is
absolutely amazing in a team-up deck and is
worth its spot in the elite of the money cards.
"Are you threatening me, Master Jedi?"