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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Roy Harper
<> Arsenal,
Card #DOR-051
Exhaust a Teen
Titans character you control >>> Roy Harper gets +2
ATK this turn.
Activate, KO a resource you control >>> Stun target
character with ATK less than Roy Harper’s ATK.
Date Reviewed: 10.15.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: -
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 4.25
Limited Average Rating: 4.25
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Roy Harper
Well if anything is going to put up a fight at
the next PC, it will certainly be TT. Roy Harper
will be just one reason why. TT has always been
an old-school favorite and should be able to
give high voltage a run for its money. Other
than x-statix, this is the one team that should
be able to control the board and keep the burn
to a minimum. It will certainly be interesting
to see how the two decks match up against each
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This card could come
in very handy...
Limited - N/A
Bunch |
Roy Harper <>
Arsenal, Sharpshooter
As I type this, I'm a mere four hours from
leaving for the airport, and I'm getting pretty
excited to see what decks will show up at this
weekend's Pro Circuit.
However, in addition to the new tech, it's the
old standards that will be intriguing, as
classic decks have a chance to cement their
status against a field of up and comers. Teen
Titans is one of these classics, and it stands a
very good chance of finding its way to the
Sunday tables. In the hands of a skilled player,
Titans can take apart other decks with surgical
precision, and Roy Harper <> Arsenal is the
scalpel that cuts the deepest.
Roy Harper is so deadly because he's able to
have an impact on the game both in and out of
the combat phase. In combat, you can propose a
team attack, exhausting all of your characters,
then use Teen Titans Go! to ready everyone,
exhaust them to Roy's ability (+2 ATK for every
Teen Titan you exhaust).
Then you can activate Roy and KO a location in
order to stun the defender, which will let you
ready all of your team attackers (including
Roy), and do it all over again. On your
opponent's initiative, you can exhaust your
board to raise Roy's ATK, then activate him to
stun an opponent's character, then use Press the
Attack to ready Roy and do it again, since the
ATK boost lasts for the duration of the turn.
It's a control player's dream; the ability to
take out threats before they have the chance to
become a problem. Roy's effect does have a
drawback, as KOing resources is costly at most
stages of the game.
Titans players get around this by waiting until
the mid to late game, and then dropping several
characters alongside of Roy, both for the ATK
pump, and to have the characters to finish the
opponent off after stunning their board (or to
have a character to exhaust for Finishing Move).
His 5 drop version isn't bad either, especially
with all of the locations that Titans uses, and
he may wind up as an alternative to Garth in
Titans build this weekend.
As for the Teen Titans deck as a whole, it's
strength comes from it's total synergy. The deck
is able to go on or off-curve as the
circumstances dictate, and it has it's own built
in toolbox for whatever deck it faces. Tamaran
and Titan's Tower provide reusable pumps to go
along with the Savage Beatdowns it packs, and
Superboy laughs at equipment-based builds. Teen
Titans Go! and Press the Attack are two
incredibly strong plot twists, and Garth allows
them to be reused often. Terra and Roy Harper
provide direct stuns (they're looking at you,
Ahmed), and USS Argus and Optitron provide just
enough character search to keep the deck
consistent. Titans has another power combo with
the interaction between Tim Drake and Red Star,
as a team attack involving them lets you power
up Red Star, then use Tim's ability to redirect
the stun to Red Star, who then can't be stunned
thanks to his own ability. With those two and
some timely Teen Titans Go!, you can stun an
entire opposing board, then swing to the face
with the other characters. It's no wonder that
Titans have brought home $10K checks for quite a
few players, and they may be ready to earn
$40,000 for someone in just a few days.
The key to beating Titans is to keep them out of
the numbers game. The more characters they play,
the more options and tricks they have. KO
effects are very important, especially in the
early game. Cloak of Nabu stops Terra and Roy
from getting their effects, and Mikado and Mosha
will take Dove out of the Hawk/Dove power combo.
Stopping team attacks or stopping Teen Titans
Go! will also cripple the Titans strategy,
although this is easier said than done.
Removed From Continuity is good tech against
Titans, especially if you can get Roy Harper out
of play for the rest of the game. Push all your
bigger guys into the front row on Turn 6, or
else Starfire will get an easy stun with her
ability. The most important thing about playing
against Titans is to play mistake free.
Titans players don't make many mistakes, and
usually have a pretty tight playing style.
Titans characters are usually on or below the
averages for each drop, so bigger guys can
eventually gain the advantage, especially with
combat pumps involved. On off-initiatives, they
will form up in order to reinforce as much as
possible, so breaking their formation will be
important. They don't play any defensive plot
twists, but Tamaran will power them up, and
Titans Tower can force a stunback if you aren't
careful. Titans don't have a dedicated search
card, so they are prone to missing the
occasional drop.
Still, even an underdropped character will have
a useful ability, but take advantage of it
whenever you can.
Roy Harper <> Arsenal, Sharpshooter
Rating: 5/5