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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Dr. Light,
Master of Holograms
Card #DGL-040
Willpower 2
Activate >>> Put target character card with cost 2
or less from your KO'd pile into your front row
unless you control a character with the same name.
Use this power only during your recruit step.
Date Reviewed: 11.17.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: -
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 4.25
Limited Average Rating: -
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Dr. Light
Dr. Light is another one of those cards that
should be considered for banning. He just does
way to much..especially for GLOCK decks. I have
a feeling that the players who run stall won't
have a chance against burn, but if you are
thinking of going with the stall format you
should consider GLOCK or HOG. This card doesn't
belong in just any deck, but many decks that
swarm could easily make room for him.
GA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...He is great but he
can become costly later on in the game...
Limited - N/A
Bunch |
Dr. Light,
Master of Holograms
Well, by the time most of you read this, I'll
already be on the floor of the Anaheim
Convention Center, wearing my spiffy judge duds,
and getting a firsthand look at the new face of
Golden Age. I'm writing this on Wednesday, as I
always have bad luck finding free internet
access on trips. We've been looking at some of
the likely "all-stars" of this weekend's Pro
Circuit, and today's card has been an all-star
at just about every tournament where's he's been
Dr. Light, Master of Holograms is either one of
the greatest cards ever printed, or one of the
most broken cards ever printed, depending on who
you ask. On the surface, he doesn't seem so
amazing; after all, he only brings back a 1 or 2
cost character. That's only (consults DocX's
search engine) 410 legal targets in Golden Age.
Free characters equals instant advantage,
especially with some of the low cost targets
that have been printed over the years.
Initially, the good (bad) Doctor was used for
his interaction with Kyle Rayner, allowing GLEE
players to not only keep field advantage, but
also access a Construct toolbox once per turn.
This interaction spawned the G'Lock deck,
allowing players to not only bring back Kyle
Rayner, but also useful characters such as
Salakk, Olapet, and Black Hand; enabling a
Willpower stall strategy that helped stall until
the later turns and set up the win condition. At
PC San Francisco, it was the Donkey Club who
used Dr. Light in conjunction with Poison Ivy,
KO'ing cards for her effect, then bringing them
right back with Dr. Light.
More recently, it was the Donkeys again abusing
Light on their way to phat loot, as they were
able to use his effect to improve the Marvel
Modern powerhouse deck, Faces of Evil. A deck
that focuses on filling the board with low-costed
characters could find ample use for Dr. Light,
and did.
The Faces of Evil deck, in all of its
incarnations, has yet to be tested in a Golden
Age tournament environment. The loss of
Detective Chimp has effectively crippled the
Kent Farm/Kandor variants, but other variants
are still very dangerous in the right hands,
particularly Jason Hager's Concealed version of
the deck. Never underestimate the ability of a
deck to play 4-5 characters on a single turn,
especially with multiple copies of Faces of Evil
giving them added ATK boosts. Faces decks have a
tendency to score Turn 5 wins, and with scary
Plenty of tech exists against Faces; Flame Trap,
Total Anarchy, Fatality, and Mikado and Mosha
among them.
Off-curve and short curve decks are no stranger
to the game, and plenty of people will be
packing tech cards to deal with them, especially
with the number of High Voltage decks that will
be out there. Therein lies the rub; Faces is a
great matchup against High Voltage, but can get
torn apart by decks that are teched against High
Voltage too. Also, Faces decks can probably be
outraced by Kree Press decks, which can be just
as fast and also have a whole suite of plot
twists just for them. Also, the Kree team is
pretty new, so a good Kree build that takes
advantage of the Golden Age cardpool can take
more established decks by surprise. However, a
good Faces build has a lot of potential, so
don't be surprised to see it show up at the top
tables at the end of Day 1.
Dr. Light, Master of Holograms
Rating: 5/5
I hope you've all gotten a little information
out of this week's writings. If you aren't going
to be at Gencon, I encourage you all to check
out the online coverage and see what new tech
shows up. Next week, we'll be taking a look at
some of the recently banned cards, and just why
they were so dangerous.