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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Steely Resolve
Card #DLS-190
Target, defender
you control gets +3 DEF this attack.
Date Reviewed: 10.28.06
Constructed Modern Age
Average Rating: 2.25
Constructed Golden Age
Average Rating: 2
Limited Average Rating: 2.5
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Ok, ok so I have been absent for a while. I
really have a good reason - honest. Perhaps I
will explain tomorrow. Leave it to me to keep
readers tuned in...:)
Anyway, there was no way I was going to pass up
this sneak peak. After all today's card is a
RARE! Today we are going to look at the new card
from DLS - Steely Resolve.
Basics: Steely resolve is a 6-cost PT that gives
a target defender +3 defense for an attack.
Considering it is a rare, I would like to have
seen this card play out for an entire turn, but
such is usually the case in VS.
Constructed play: Is this card going to be worth
it? Well, given that it has a cost of 6, I am
going to say not really. You could probably get
something out it if you play your deck specially
around this card (ie. PT cost reducers) or it
could come in handy in a stall, but there is no
point in taking up room in a deck when the card
comes into play so late in the game and your
opponent could counter with some equally big
attack bonuses. In this day and age unless you
are playing and alternate win deck or stall/life
gain deck you will have a good idea by turn 6
whether or not you will be able to pull out the
win....this card may just turn out to be too
late to save you...
Limited play: Ok, this card is definitely a
beast in this format. However, since it is rare
I guess you don't have to worry about coming up
against it too often. In a format where people
usually trade blow for blow, this card could
make all the difference. It certainly encourages
odd-initiatives so it will be interesting to see
if the format this time around will be as turn
based as the last set. If you get it, play it -
enough said.
DCMA constructed - 3.5/5.0 ...This could be a
decent card in this format.
GA constructed - 3.0/5.0 ...It just comes into
play so late in the game....
Limited - 4.0/5.0 ...Great card for this format.
Bunch |
You know what
I like about doing previews? I like being one of
the first people outside of Upper Deck R&D to
read the text of a new card, then sit back and
let my mind wander as I think of all the ways
that it could impact the game. Granted, there
are much smarter people out there who will make
a fistful of money with these cards while I'm
still going X-3 at PCQ's, but for now, I have a
headstart on the rest of the VS world. As I'm
typing this, I've known what Steely Resolve does
for about 8 hours, and since I work nights, I've
had most of those 8 hours to contemplate what
this card means to the game of VS.
First of all, the effect. Target defender you
control gets +3 DEF this attack. Not a lot of
plot twists give that much defense, and the few
that do require a fairly steep cost. Spider
Senses gives a flat +3 DEF, but it's team
stamped, as are cards like Circle Defense and
The Plunder Plan. Cover Fire requires characters
with range, and Helping Hand looks at characters
with 1 or more Willpower. Steely Resolve is
generic defense with no cost and no drawback.
Anybody can use it.
All this comes with one tiny drawback...a
threshold cost of 6. However, this isn't
necessarily a bad thing. Most combats are about
mutual stuns. My 5 drop attacks your 5 drop, and
both characters get stunned. On occasion, my 4
drop will attack your 5 drop and we both get
stunned. Rarely, my 5 drop will attack your 3
drop, you have a pump, and we both get stunned.
It's the natural flow of the game, and it keeps
us from having too many characters on the field
by the late game. One thing that good players
use to disrupt this natural flow is the
brickwall. Stopping an opponent from stunning
your defending character is a huge momentum
swinger, as it allows you to steal the
initiative and potentially take control of the
Acrobatic Dodge was a great card back in
Origins, as you could keep your defender from
stunning, but at the cost of lowering its
attack, lowering the possibility of stunning the
attacker. Now any character can potentially
brickwall an attack, and still stun the
attacker, it'll just have to be after turn 6.
the average 6 drop is 12/12, and the average 5
drop is 9/9, so +3 DEF is just enough to stop
any breakthrough from happening, and a powerup
or additional defensive pump means that your
opponent's plan of swinging down the curve has
just been ruined.
Now, the other issue here (and one that will
totally be brought up on the message boards) is
the rarity, namely, that Steely Resolve is a
rare. Believe me, I've been thinking about that
for a while. In Heralds of Galactus, Armageddon
was a rare plot twist with a threshold of 6, and
it gives +6 ATK. This is only a
+3 DEF. However, I've come to a conclusion:
are good. Stuns are what keep the game flowing,
they make recovery effects good, they keep the
board manageable in the late game, and they keep
endurance totals going down so that the game
will actually end before time is called. A
generic +3 DEF is too good in the early game for
some decks. Imagine if a Doom player who could
flip down extra Steely Resolves with
Doom-4 combined with Doomstadt, or a Titans
player who can protect Roy Harper multiple times
each turn by bringing back Steely Resolve with
Garth. Even just keeping Dr. Light, Master of
Holograms from being stunned by throwing an
extra 3 DEF on him could be too good in the
early game. The rarity really becomes a factor
in Sealed play, as it's not only important to
keep the flow of the game going, but you also
don't want to get stuck with multiple copies of
a plot twist that you can't play until turn 6.
Most Sealed games last until turn 7 anyway, or
even turn 8 in Heralds sealed play, so saving a
powerful defensive trick until the late game
isn't that much of a dealbreaker.
Steely Resolve may not be the bomb rare that
everyone's been waiting for, but it's a powerful
card in its own right, and I think it'll find
its place, especially in Modern Age and Sealed
play. With the popularity of stall decks in the
recent PC LA, an extra +3 DEF will be nothing to
sneeze at. If you open one at your sneak preview
this weekend, and you're not 100% satisfied with
it, just send it to me, and I'll give it a good
xstreamzero |
Yay, more exclusives!
Steely Resolve
Plot Twist/6
Target defender you control gets +3 DEF this
What? That’s it? Seriously? What the hell was
wrong with Acrobatic Dodge?
That and the fact that you could play that card
since the very first turn.
You can’t even play this till turn 6. And when
you do reach turn six, I doubt +3 DEF will be
much of a boost anymore. At least it’s somewhat
useful in draft. Actually, it’s pretty much
broken in draft. But do not, under any
circumstances, play this in a serious deck. It’s
a waste of space.
DC Modern: 1/5
Silver Age: 1/5
Golden Age: 1/5
Overall: 1/5
I can’t believe it’s a rare. From the new set.