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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Bron Char
Card #MHG_046
Reservist, Press
Discard a Kree character card >>> The controller of
target character with cost 2 or less KO's a resource
he controls. If he does, he puts that character face
down into his resource row. Use this power only once
per turn.
Date Reviewed: 10.09.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 3
Limited Average Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Well, after a
hiatus from the game due to my new job, I'm back
to review. The Galactus set has rekindled my
love of the game and I made it Kree week! Happy
Thanksgiving to all my other Canadian readers
and happy Columbus day to the American readers!
"Good thing this isn't my best shield!"
Bron Char
5 cost
Rarity: Rare
Reservist, Press
Discard a Kree character card >>> The controller
of target character with cost 2 or less KO's a
resource he controls. If he does, he puts that
character face down into his resource row. Use
this power only once per turn.
Well, to start Kree week off, we have Bron Char,
a big bruiser for the Kree. His stats are
relatively good for a 5 drop. However, he is
mainly the back-up 5 drop for Kree to play.
Shatterax is played when you're playing against
a curve deck, Bron Char however is there to
fight against swarm. By discarding a Kree
character card, you can get rid of a pesky 2
drop that your opponent has. It could be a big
Shape, Songbird, or even an annoying one drop
that's ailing you. You can also use it on one of
your own characters though! Primarily, you'll
use Bron Char's effect on your stunned Dr.
Minerva so you can use her again on turn 6.
It's a potent effect that you can use against
your opponent or for yourself. What's more, it's
not restricted to any time of the turn, nor is
it an activated ability. All in all, one or two
Bron Char's should be in most Kree decks to
provide an alternative when Shatterax's ability
won't matter much.
Golden Age: Gets rid of a lot of the stuff High
Voltage plays on you, if you can make it to turn
5 and use Bron Char's effect at a good time, it
may swing you the game. 3.5/5
Silver/Modern Age: Swarm strategies aren't as
prevalent here, but making sure you can re-use
your Dr. Minerva again isn't bad at all. 3/5
Draft/Sealed: An above average 5 drop, but
nothing more than that. If you can flick a 2
drop off the board with his effect, you could
even things out or put the game way in your
favour. Not likely though. 3/5