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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Morg - Corrupt Destroyer
Card #MHG_015
Whenever Morg stuns a character, return that
character to its owner's hand. (This character does
not come into play with a cosmic counter. At the
start of the recovery phase each turn, put a cosmic
counter on this character.)
Date Reviewed: 09.04.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 3
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 2.5
Limited Average Rating: 3
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Morg -
Corrupt Destroyer
This week we are moving on to MHG mid-drop week.
This is when we review some 3 and 4-drop
characters that you will probably see in a
sealed format. Today we start with the HOG
character Morg.
Basics: Morg is a 4-drop character for the
Heralds affiliation. His 9 attack is very, very
nice (especially in sealed format) but he has a
5 defense which makes his cosmic-surge ability
virtually impossible to achieve. He does have
flight and range, which is handy, but not
necessarily anything above board when you
consider that this guy was once a herald. Now if
you want more information on the character
himself or on any of the cosmic characters we
will be reviewing I suggest picking up an issue
of "Annihilation: Nova Corps Files". This covers
many of the characters in the Heralds
affiliation of MHG. Then again you can always
hit up Wilkipedia if you like...
Constructed play: This card is actually very
decent for a Heralds mono-stall deck. With PTs
out there specially designed to put counters on
Heralds characters, you won't necessarily have
to worry about this guy's comic-surge effect. Of
course Morg's defense does suck, but if you take
even initiatives and play your cards right you
will be able to get around this also. Besides,
being able to regulate the number of characters
your opponents control is extremely useful, but
a word of warning - if you come across a rush
deck Morg's effect will not be as good.
Sealed play: Well you can pretty much forget
about Morg's cosmic counter in this format.
Unless you are able to combo Morg's attack with
Slobberin Time, you won't come through a combat
without this guy getting stunned. Of course I
have been witness to someone getting the cosmic
counter (the other person miss-dropped) and I
can tell you that combining Morg with Sliver
Surfer (5-drop) is a deadly combination. These
two characters can pretty much guarantee that
you will be able to wipe your opponent's board
clean and leave them in a world of trouble going
into turn 6. However, this only happens in
certain circumstances. While technically
powerful enough to take down a 5-drop (and in
many instances he will) he will also leave you
taking major breakthrough on off initiatives.
Unlike many of the MHG characters you will see
(outside of Kree) Morg's playability directly
results from the PT support you are able to
round up.
MMA constructed: 3.0/5.0 ...What this character
lacks in defense he makes up for in attack.
GA constructed: 2.5/5.0 ...With the amount of
swarm-style deck out I don't this character's
ability has a real chance of making a
Limited - 3.0/5.0 ...This character has some of
the strongest pros and cons in the set....it all
comes down to your supporting PTs.
Bunch |
Morg, Corrupt
Morg has some interesting stats for a 4 drop, 9
ATK and 5 DEF. His Cosmic-Surge ability is what
really makes him spicy though. As a reminder,
Cosmic-Surge means that the character doesn't
come into play with a Cosmic counter, but they
can recieve one as long as they aren't stunned
at the beginning of the recovery phase. This is
where Morg's low DEF becomes a major hindrance,
as most 3 drops will be able to get a stun on
him. However, there are a multitude of effects
in this set that will put a Cosmic counter on a
character, so you could easily put his power
online the same turn you summon him. Once Morg
stuns a character, that character returns to
their owner's hand. While this isn't as final as
KOing the character, you've still gotten a board
advantage position, as they now have nothing to
show for the resource points that they paid for
that character. If the Heralds team becomes
widely played, it will absolutely destroy
Squadron Supreme. It would also combo nicely
with Injustice Gang, filling up the opponent's
hand with cards that won't have much use.
It's utility in Limited isn't to high
though...his small DEF will make it harder to
keep him around to get his Cosmic counter, and
the cards that put counters on characters will
be harder to come by too.
His high ATK can still take down a 5 drop
though, so if you play him as a blank 4 drop
with a big ATK and flight/range, then he can
punch through some damage in the midgame. Not my
first choice of 4 drops, but something that can
fill out a curve in a pinch.
Rating: 3/5