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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Lunatic Legionnaires
- Army
Card #MHG-057
When LL comes
into play, it gets +1 attack this turn for each
face-down resource target player control. When LL
becomes stunned, you may return it to its owner's
Date Reviewed: 09.07.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2.5
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 2.25
Limited Average Rating: 2.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Legionnaires - Army
Basics: LL is a 4-drop Kree army character that
have range, is a reservist, and has stats of
6/6. This character also has the special ability
of gaining +1 attack for each face-down resource
your opponent controls the entire turn when it
comes into play and the ability of being bounced
back to your hand when he gets stunned.
Constructed play: Outside of certain match-ups,
I don't see this character being a great play
for Kree decks. Many people play their PT's and
locations in their resource row so that they can
use them. Thus, this character stands a good
chance of coming into play with little to no
attack boost. This character is a reservist,
which is nice but not necessary for constructed
play, and he does have range. However, one of
the main things this guy is lacking is press.
Without it, this guy is probably not going to do
a whole lot for any Kree deck...bouncing back
something as big as a 4-drop better net you some
good effects. I think a team-up is in order if
you want to play this character.
Sealed play: LL shows a little more promise in
this format...but only just a little. He has the
potential for coming in with a pretty big attack
since many times an opponent is forced to
characters and the like in their resource row.
He is also a reservist...one of those
characteristics that you should be looking for.
However, his 6/6 stats otherwise will make this
character easy pickings in the long run. I say
play him if you have nothing else.
MMA constructed - 2.0/5.0 ...I don't really see
this guy coming in handy.
GA constructed - 1.5/5.0 ...ditto
Sealed - 2.5/5.0 ....Initially he may be good,
but this doesn't last long.
Bunch |
Legionnaires, Army
Today's card gives me an ice cream headache.
Actually, the whole Kree team does, as their
theme seems to be recruiting a ton of
characters, then bringing them back to your hand
so that you can recruit them all again. Time
will tell as to whether it will be viable or
not, because I've been trying to figure out a
viable strategy for them. They'd work great with
X-Statix though. Lunatic Legionnaires is a 6/6,
but can gain +1 ATK for every face down resource
that target character has when it comes into
Most of the time, you'll target yourself, since
the Kree get some bonuses for having a face down
row. The biggest they'll get the first turn they
come into play is 10/6, which isn't bad,
although an extra point of defense would really
come in handy. Their Army nature means that you
could start Turn 5 with an empty board and wind
up recruiting a 1, a 2, a 3, and then two copies
of Lunatic Legionnaires. The bigger ATK stat
will help you punch through higher drops on your
initiative, then swing to the face with your
leftover weenies. You'll usually want to return
it to your hand, as its stats go back to 6/6 at
the end of the turn. This is definitely an
intriguing strategy, and it'll take a smarter
deckbuilder than I in order to fully take
advantage of the Kree.
Rating: a safe 3/5, subject to change