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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Mr. Sinister
- Supreme Geneticist
Card #MHG_220
Activate >>> KO target stunned character. Gain
endurance equal to that character's cost.
Date Reviewed: 09.15.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 2.75
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 1.75
Limited Average Rating: 1.75
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |

Nakaiya21 |
Mr. Sinister
- Supreme Geneticist
Basics: Mr. Sinister (6-drop) is our legacy card
for the week. He comes to us from the Hellfire
Club and is a concealed character with stats of
13/11. He has an interesting activated effect
which allows you to KO a target stunned
character to gain endurance equal to the
character's cost.
Constructed play: For an affiliation that is all
about having only one visible character, Mr.
Sinister fits right in. He has an interesting
effect which you can use on either your or your
opponent's character to gain some much needed
endurance. I don't think he necessarily stacks
up to the other Hellfire Club 6-drops, but he
does give you another choice if nothing else.
Sealed play: I am not a big fan of concealed
characters, even with those that give you the
potential for endurance gain. After all a
concealed character coming into play so late in
the game leaves your little characters and your
endurance, in general, wide open for attack.
What good is a little bit of endurance gain if
you are going to lose so much anyway? The big
thing about sealed is sticking to the CYA method
and just leaving it at that.
MMA constructed - 2.5/5.0 ...A decent character
but I don't think it stands out from the other
GA constructed - 2.5/5.0 ...ditto
Sealed - 2.5/5.0 ...I don't recommend concealed
characters, even with this guy's effect.
xstreamzero |
Mr. Sinister
First Magneto, now this?
Mr. Sinister
Supreme Geneticist
Hellfire Club/6/13/11
Activate > KO target stunned character. Gain
endurance equal to that character’s cost.
I actually find this to be a waste of a six
drop. Usually when you reach the later turns,
you want to be attacking with your high drops,
not exhaust them for petty abilities that could
have been just easily provided with other card
effects. In that respect, Selene or Magneto are
better options. If Mr.
Sinister was more like Piper, who could remove a
character as well as attack, then there would be
something special. And hiding in the hidden area
means he also cannot protect your endurance or
other characters.
Marvel Modern: 3/5
Silver Age: 1/5
Golden Age: 1/5
Overall: 1/5
Bunch |
Mr. Sinister
KO'ing a stunned character is good. Doing it at
the expense of attacking with your 6
drop...maybe not so good. Granted, your visible
character should be huge, so it should be able
to stun your opponent's 6, then you can use
Sinister to KO it, so in a straight Hellfire
deck, he's a good guy. If all else fails, he's
pretty much guaranteed to get a swing at your
opponent's characters, although his 11 DEF means
that he'll be easier to stun. He's not great in
Limited unless you just really need another 6
drop in your deck.
Rating: 2/5 |