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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Phil Urich*Green Goblin
Card #MTU-015
Date Reviewed: 04.10.07
Constructed Rating: 3.00
Limited Average Rating: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jokerkiller |
Phil Urich <>
Green Goblin, Lunatic Laugh
5 cost 10/8
Flight Range Reservist
Spider Friends
Another 5 drop but only 1 team alright. Well
he’s not a bad drop it’s either him or Venom or
five unless you have another team. His size is
kind of deceptive though. He looks like a big
drop 10 attack. But if you use his ability he’s
only an 8/8 which pretty small for a 5 drop.
What if Hawkeye, Clint Barton was a 5/5 4 drop
that still had the stun ability? If your playing
against a rush deck with a lot of under drops
you don’t notice it but curve will still be hard
to take down with a pump. Plus you can’t
activate to use it you have to be attacking.
Overall he’s not a bad card size, flight, and
range make him playable he could be worse but
what do you expect from a common?
Constructed and sealed 3/5 mainly because there
are only three 5 drop Spider Friends characters.
Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge |
Green Goblin
What a coincidence; I got my ass handed to me
this weekend in a City Championship by a guy
running a Kent Farm deck, and today's card is
the card that could have won me the matchup. Off
curve and weenie rush decks have always been
popular. Faces of Evil has had the most success,
although Blackbriar Thorn, Surveillance Pawn,
and Deadshot are also annoying little boogers.
That's where Green Goblin comes in.
He's a 10/8 with Flight and Range, but while
he's attacking, you can pay 2 ATK (turning him
into an 8/8 for the turn) and stun up to 2
resource points worth of characters, as long as
they aren't the character being attacked.
Combine it with Fatality on 4, and it's like a
mini Flame Trap/Total Anarchy. Syndicate Rush is
going to be all over the place in Modern, and
although that deck can win on 4, if you can use
Green Goblin on 5, you can take away a lot of
damage early.
Not great in a draft unless you need his stats,
since a lot of folks just miss 1 and or 2 and
don't worry about it. There's not a lot of
weenie hate in the current Modern format, so any
little bit is worth having.
Rating: 3/5 |