Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge |
Well, another
week, and I've managed to remember to do a
Friday review. Today's card manages to play well
with yesterday's card, even though they share no
team affiliations at all.
But first, a story. See, a few PC's ago, there
was a deck that featured Justice League of
Arkham, a Team-Up that forced your opponent to
discard a card when it was flipped face up.
Through tricks and chicanery, the deck would
force you to discard every card in hand, leaving
you unable to recruit any characters, and
winning the game. However, this deck leaked a
week before the PC, and players scrambled to
find a silver bullet for this matchup. That
card: Sage.
3-drop Sage makes Locations and Plot Twists cost
2 more, making it impossible for the Ivy League
player to start discarding cards until turn 6,
not nearly soon enough to scrape out a win. What
does this teach us? Making your opponent pay
more for plot twists can throw a huge wrench in
the works.
Which brings us to Dark Beast. A 9/10 with no
Flight or Range, he sure isn't knocking anyone's
socks off with his stats. He has Evasion, which
fits in with his Morlock side, and he has a
killer effect. For every stunned character you
control, opposing plot twists cost 1 more to
play. He's somewhere between a Sage/Black Cat
for Modern Age, and Bad Press on a stick. He's
great with his Morlock buddies; they just love
to stun themselves to power other effects. He
also plays nice with Underworld, as they can
keep those stunned characters from KOing in
multiple ways...like yesterday's In Limbo. He's
definitely a good turn 5 splash for Underworld
to keep your opponent locked out of...well, just
about anything you want if you keep enough
stunned dudes on the board.
Modred can help with that, and Netherworld Gift
can load up your field with even more stunned
guys to jack up the price if your opponent's
Greens and Blues.
Unfortunately, he's going to be very vulnerable
in Modern, since he only has Litterbug and
Barnacle as teammates in the next Modern Age. On
the other hand, this is the age of the team-up,
and there are all kinds of ways to hide Dark
Beast, and really screw with your opponent. Make
safe attacks without the fear of a nasty
surprise...or a Nasty Surprise, for that matter.
Control players...here's your potentially broken
card for the new format.
Rating: 4/5 |