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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Family of Four
Card #MVL-191
Date Reviewed: 08.09.07
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Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge |
Family of
If you've been reading the other Marvel Legends
that have previewed lately, then you've seen how
cards in the set are designed to be used with a
singular "Legendary" character. Well, our
focuses on a Legendary team: The Fantastic Four.
The Fantastic Four had one of the better combat
all the way back in Marvel Origins; It's
Time gave a FF character a +3/+3 boost. While
Beatdown was all about destructive power, It's
Clobberin Time gave your character the ability
attack up the curve and still have a good chance
not getting stunned back.
Family of Four continues this trend by giving a
character +1/+1 for each member of the Fantastic
(the original crew, natch) you control. With
characters getting the focus for this set, there
sure to be multiple versions of Mr. Fantastic,
Invisible Woman, and Human Torch for you to have
giving Family of Four the potential to be a
pump. It's not even team-stamped, so if you were
splash other characters in a FF deck (say, in a
draft), you'd still get the benefit of the
Join us next week, where Pojo will have another
exclusive Marvel Legends preview for you. By the
it sees print, I'll be in Indy, hopefully
drafting the
new set in person (as well as playing in my
first Pro
Circuit). If you're at Gencon, come by and say
hello! |
xstreamzero |
Family of
What? Didn’t we just do preview cards for
World’s Finest? It’s barely been a month since
that set came out, I don’t think I’m ready for
another set…
Family of Four
Plot Twist/4
Target character gets +1/+1 this attack for each
Human Torch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic and
Thing you control.
So, with the Marvel Legends set comes changes,
for better or for worse. With this card we
immediately see that the design for each card is
drastic from the old cards. They actually look
very similar to World of Warcraft cards. In case
you guys never heard of World of Warcraft, I
don’t blame you. The card game is pretty
non-existent compared to the MMORPG. My problem
is that I’m so used to the old card designs, so
these are a negative appeal to me. But on the
plus side, there’s more artwork, which is
Upperdeck’s justification of the new design. I
guess that is nice…
Secondly, if I’m correct, the Marvel Legends set
is essentially our version of Magic’s core set,
the recent one being 10th edition. So, expect at
least half of the Marvel Legends cards to be
reprints. And chances are, they’ll be good
reprints, because I could sure use a common
Enemy of My Enemy…
But I guess I should preview the card. Family of
Four will most likely be a card good for an
Inhumans/Fantastic Four variant. But that’s it.
It’s kinda too situational for my taste, but as
long as you have either one of those characters
out, you won’t end up with a dead card.
Overall: N/A
C’mon, you know I don’t rate preview cards…
xstreamzero |
Mikie |
Holy wow, its been a while since we've gotten
any card to review for the CotD's. Unfortunatly,
we are on a short week, but we do have some
pretty rockin' cards. I'm really not sure what
the set is, though... call me stupid. But, here
we go!!!
Family of Four
4 cost Plot Twist
Target character gets +1/+1 this attack for each
Human Tourch, Invisible Woman, Mr. Fantastic,
and Thing you control.
Oh, yeah... this is sweet. I am lovin' the new
look for the plot twists. Family of Four can be
a pretty cool card. It grants +1/+1 to any
target character for each member of the
Fantastic Four (the original ones) that you
control. So, thats a potential +4/+4 in a
regular game, or even more if you can find some
way to smuggle extra copies of a member into
play. And it doesn't specify attacking or
defending character, so its any character.
Sealed: 1/5 I really don't know what this set
looks like, but I'd be inclined to believe that
you won't get many copies of the FF in play,
making this card useless.
Constructed: 4/5 In a FF deck, this card can add
some serious punch.
Si |
Much has
changed since the last Mortal Kombat Tournament.
The dark forces of Outworld have begun invading
the Earth realm. These attacks are seriously
weakening Earth's dimensional fabric. Allowing
not only Outworlders to enter the Earth realm
but warriors from other domains as well. Only
the most extraordinary warriors could possibly
meet this challenge…
Dun, dun, dun…
Welcome to
POJO’s all new, all different Amazing,
Spectacular, Uncanny, Astonishing Card Of The
<Pyrotechnics> <Music> <Titles>
episode: Family of Four
Hey kids. Did
ya like that? I betcha did.
Recently I
uncovered a stone tablet buried deep within the
Himalayas and it said that according to an
ancient prophecy there will one day be a new
Marvel set for the game of VS. But unlike the
new DC set there is a possibility, a chance
however remote, a lone snub fighter versus the
Death Star kinda chance, that people might
actually give a damn about it.
See what I did
This card is
from that set. It gives a character +1/+1 for
every member of the real fantastic four (That’s
Reed, Sue, Johnny & Ben. Not replacement losers
like She Hulk) that you control. That means you
can get…hmm..carry the seven…+4/+4!!! Which is
pretty cool. Also it’s new.
You can go
“You must
learn the ways of the force if you are to come
with me to Alderaan”
The first
person to e-mail me wins a pony….sihitmanparkes@yahoo.co.uk