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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Injustice For All
Card DCL-148
DC Legends preview card
Date Reviewed: 12.11.07
Constructed Rating: 3.50
Limited Average Rating: 2.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge |
I have to
admit, I've been a life-long DC Comics fan, so
as much as I like seeing new Marvel cards; I get
way more excited about a new DC set. Today is no
exception, as we here at Pojo get to be the
first to show you a new cards from the DC
Legends set. The Legends idea is a great one;
allowing fans of the classic and iconic
characters from the last 50 years of comics to
get an extra big helping of their favorite
characters. Everybody loves Superman, Batman,
The Flash, etc...of course, some of us love
their evil counterparts even more. We love it
even more when they all get together to make the
heroes lives more difficult (and take over the
world). The Injustice Gang fills that role
Created to counter the Justice League, the
Injustice Gang is usually a Who's Who of Who's
Bad in the DCU.
The incarnation I'm most fond of is the one from
Grant Morrison's JLA run; featuring Lex Luthor,
Joker, Dr. Light, Mirror Master, Ocean Master,
and Circe. They made life difficult for the JLA,
and now they give you the ability to make life
difficult for everyone at the table foolish
enough to oppose you.
Injustice For All is reminiscent of Bad Press,
an ongoing plot twist that made your opponent's
plot twists and locations cost one more to play.
Injustice For All takes that a step further by
making plot twists cost 1 more for everyone to
play, including you. However, it doesn't stop at
just making them cost 1 more, if you play your
cards right, you can shut out every plot twist
in every deck.
See, Injustice For All makes all plot twists
cost 1 more for every chaos counter on Injustice
For All, and Injustice For All gets a chaos
counter every time an Injustice gang character
attacks a player directly.
It doesn't have to be your character, and it
doesn't even have to be an opponent. If your
opponent happens to be playing Injustice Gang
also, or more than one opponent in the case of a
multiplayer game, then Injustice For All can
keep gaining more and more counters, locking out
more and more plot twists.
Multiple copies of Injustice For All would
trigger off of each direct attack, and that
really would add chaos to the game.
"But wait!", you ask. "Doesn't that hose your
own deck too?" Sure, it will make your own plot
twists cost more to play...but unlike your
opponent, you know that your plot twists are
going to start costing more.
That's why you stock your deck with other cards
that do the same thing as plot twists, without
having to be plot twists. Locations, equipment,
and characters can duplicate the effects of plot
twists in the hands of the smart deckbuilder,
and while your opponent is staring at his
useless fistful of blue, you're equipping Lex
Luthor with some Power Armor, sending the Joker
into the fray with help from an Arkham Asylum
activation, or discard Dr. Light to give Dr.
Light some extra juice. If you just really want
to play plot twists, prepare your deck with 0
and 1 cost tricks, so you can pile on the hurt
while your opponent's deck just becomes a pile.
This card will make you unpopular in
multiplayer, just to warn you.
We'll be back next week with another exclusive
DC Legends preview, to get you ready for your
local Release Celebration. |
xstreamzero |
Injustice For
What time is it? Preview Time!
Injustice For All
Ongoing Plot Twist/3
Play only if you control an Injustice Gang
Ongoing: Whenever an Injustice Gang character
attacks a player directly, put a chaos counter
on Injustice For All.
Plot twists cost all players 1 more to play for
each chaos counter on Injustice for All.
I always liked the Injustice Gang mechanic of
putting cards into your opponents hand and then
penalizing them for it. And what better way to
spit in their face by telling them they can’t
play any plot twists? With the crazy 4-drop
Joker, there was always a plot twist playing
problem for your opponent. Now, with Injustice
for All, there’s an even bigger problem.
Whenever an (not necessarily your own) Injustice
Gang character attacks a player directly, plot
twist essentially cost 1 more to play. Multiple
direct attacks will cause problems. Multiple
Injustice For All will cause problems. Mirror
matches in drafts will cause problems.
But there’s two choices, you either play this or
the Joker. Both have their pros and cons.
Injustice For All restricts all players from
playing plot twists. But it can be easily abused
and searched for as early as turn 3. Joker only
prevents your opponents plot twists, but has a
weakness of being a character with a big red
My advice, use Injustice For All if you feel you
don’t need to play any other plot twists, such
as a deck full of locations. Otherwise, the
Joker is superior.
Constructed: 3/5
Sealed: 3/5
Too bad it doesn’t actually support the card
xstreamzero |

Mikie |
Its preview
time again! Lets check this one out...
Injustice for All
3 cost Plot Twist
Play only if you control an Injustice Gang
Ongoing: When an Injustice Gang character
attacks a player directly, put a chaos counter
on Injustice for All.
Plot twists cost all players 1 more to play for
each chaos counter on Injustice for All.
Hello, now, whats this? Lets stop
everyone from playing Plot Twists. This card
looks quite fun. Um... I really don't have much
to say on it, unfortunatly because I don't know
how Injustice Gang decks run, but I can say
single card strategy that this one looks like
fun. :)
Sealed: 2/5 Not so amazing here as you may not
end up with a lot of Injustice Gang characters
in sealed.
Constructed: 4/5 With this card, you can quickly
make it impossible for your opponents to play
plot twists. |
jajais4u |
This looks
good, actually. A little scary. Did we forget
that Revenge Squad/Injustice Gang had a little
thing going on a while back? This here is the
link between the two decks. Honestly, I see how
I could abuse this kinda easy. Maybe revenge of
the X-Men? I like this a lot... |