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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Ape X -
Card #MAV-045
Date Reviewed: 06.11.07
Constructed Rating: 4.25
Limited Average Rating: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jokerkiller |
Ape X-Xina
1 cost common Squadron Supreme
Ape X is one of the best 1 drops in the game.
He’s been in more then a few top decks. He thins
your deck, searches for equipment, drops cards
in hand and can be huge. Turn 2 Ape and flame
thrower a 6/1 the burns for 5. Turn one jump
pack. Any turn get a piece of the Fate suit. I
don’t any downs side yet. This guy is a amazing.
If Enemy is good or tool box decks this guys not
far behind!
Rating 5/5 for any deck that needs specific
equipment. |
Si "Hitman"
Parkes |
Ape X <> Xina
Cost 1
Squadron Supreme
Hmm…Xena joke…Ape joke…Monkey-ing around joke…I
just can’t decide.
Ape X is pretty much a standard level 1
character for any equipment based deck. You put
this character in play and get to search for an
equipment card of any cost and bring it to your
hand. That’s pretty rocking. Most searchers
demand a discard, but this one doesn’t. It
actually increases the amount of cards you have
in your hand, and thins your deck at the same
time. Good then. Or “+1 meta-card advantage
chaosmetahakzorzszomgpwnedmeta” if you speak
The effect is awesome and it’s a level one so
who gives a monkeys, heh monkeys, about the
stats. The only downsides to this card are the
ones that most 1 drop characters share (drawing
them late in the game e.t.c.), so there isn’t
really anything bad I can say about it. Other
than it has a stupid name.
Sealed: 4
Constructed: 4
“You must learn the ways of the force if you are
to come with me to Alderaan”
sihitmanparkes@yahoo.co.uk |
xstreamzero |
Ape X
Oh noes, cookie-cutter card alert!
Apex X
Squadron Supreme/1/1/1
When Ape X comes into play, you may search your
deck for an equipment card, reveal it, put it in
your hand, and shuffle your deck.
You guys know my feelings on tutors. If you play
equipments of any sort, you play this card for a
free search. Doesn’t even have to be in a Squad
deck, play it in any deck with equipments.
Unless you’re playing curve, then you man not
want Ape X, and just go for the plot twists or
locations for searching for equipment. But
generally, he’s a no brainer.
Modern Age: 4/5
Silver Age: 4/5
Golden Age: 4/5
Overall: 4/5
Booster Gold is a different story…
Mikie |
Today we take
a step back a few sets to look at Ape X out of
the Avengers set.
Ape X, Xina (Squadron Supreme)
1 cost, 1 ATK, 1 DEF
When Ape X comes int play, you may search your
deck for an equipment cards, reveal it, put it
into your hand, and shuffle your deck.
If you are using Equipment cards in your deck,
Ape X is pretty cool. She's cheap, allowing you
to play her later in the game and still have
points left to play your equipment cards with,
or other characters if your equipment card
happens to be free (Green Latern Rings for the
win!!!). As far as the Sqauadron Supreme goes, I
don't know much about how they fair in
tournaments. So I'm going to leave it at that.
If you feel like flaming me, or telling me why
this card is better than the score I give it,
feel free to email me at DarrisHellBinde@yahoo.com.
Sealed: 2/5 Not going to get much equipment
here, and I'm sure you can find better 1 drops
than this.
Constructed: 4/5 if you are playing with
equipment cards that are a essential to your
winning. |