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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
- Fear and Loathing
Card #DWF-145
Explained: "“An
insane deck is a deck with no more than one copy of
each card.
It can include cards both with and without the
insanity keyword, as long as there is no more than
one copy of each. A card is a copy of another card
if both have the same name and version. The first
time an opponent sees one of your insanity cards,
you must announce whether or not you're playing with
an insane deck.”
Date Reviewed: 06.26.07 |
Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge |
Fear and Loathing
If you've been reading World's Finest previews
on VSSystem.com, VS Realms, and VS Paradise,
then you've seen some great cards to help out
Team Superman and Gotham Knights. Well, in the
words of a great philosopher, "Say hello to the
bad guy".
Arkham Inmates have been way overdue for a
refeature, and although individual members have
made cameos in some successful decks, World's
Finest marks the time for this team to make some
waves on it's own. Some cards have already been
seen that have the new Insanity keyword, and for
those who don't know, here is the official
definition of Insanity:
“An insane deck is a deck with no more than one
copy of each card. It can include cards both
with and without the insanity keyword, as long
as there is no more than one copy of each. A
card is a copy of another card if both have the
same name and version.
The first time an opponent sees one of your
insanity cards, you must announce whether or not
you're playing with an insane deck.”
Judges who are assigned to deck checks at PC
Indy...my heart goes out to you. 60 cards, each
of which must be a singleton...now that is
insane. Still, with insanity comes power, and
with that, we (finally) look at today's preview
card (which you've already looked at, and are
totally ignoring what I'm typing right now. I
could be saying anything, and you wouldn't know
it. Seven on the river.)
What I like about Scarecrow's ability text, is
that you have the option to play him in a
non-insane deck and still get some utility out
of him. When he comes into play, just discard a
card at random, and bounce a
1 or 2-drop back to your opponent's hand. This
is great for those annoying hidden characters
that you can't get to, Evasion characters (like
Black Cat), or to take some steam out of an
off-curve build (Kree, anyone?). If you play him
in your insanity deck though, you get the option
of bouncing a 3-drop to it's owner's hand. If
your opponent had the even initiative, then
often times they were able to keep their 3 and
4-drops on the board, so you can take that extra
character and send it right back to their hand,
where it'll be pretty much useless to them.
Since he's Dual Affiliated with Injustice Gang,
the extra card in their hand will only help all
of your effects that key off of opponent's hand
size too.
There are drawbacks though. Discarding a card at
random could hurt you, although Arkham does have
at least one character that can be recruited
from the KO'd pile. However, the effect is
optional, so if there aren't any targets on your
opponent's board, then there's no reason to
discard. His stats are pretty average, 10/8
isn't bad on your initiative, although be
prepared to see a lot of 4-drops stunning Dr.
Crane on off-initiatives. No Flight or Range
also makes it tough for you to make safe attacks
without fear of stunback. Finally, there's
Insanity itself.
With only one copy of a given card in your deck,
finding Scarecrow when you need him is a
crapshoot, barring a lot of tutors for Arkham
(and who knows, by the time we see all of the
set, there may be). It's a risky strategy, but
Risk vs Reward is a big part of this game, and
now Arkham Inmates are bringing that to the
In Limited though, Scarecrow will be highly
Sealed decks normally contain one copy of each
card just by the nature of card distribution in
the packs, so Sealed players have been playing
Insanity decks for years without even knowing
it. Limited decks are usually short on tutors as
well, so underdropping for a turn isn't unheard
of, making it much more likely that you'll have
a target for Scarecrow's effect. As such, I
expect Scarecrow to be a bomb in Limited. |

Gerhardt |
This thing is well, insane.
Depending on your viewpoint that can be a
good or a bad thing.
For limited play, the
insanity ability is just no big deal. It
will almost always be insane, and will
almost always be insanely good. Using your
turn 5 to completely negate their turn 3, or
really put them in a hole if they miss their
4-5 drop can take the mid game and insure
there is no late game. Hitting this could
be a back breaker.
In constructed play though,
you’re using a bigger deck. Without
insanity it’s mediocre at best. With
insanity it’s solid, but still not great.
Consider you’re limited to one with insanity
and it becomes interesting. In some theme
deck, being forced to play 60 unique cards
might allow for this card to see play. Even
when it does see play, it will be worse than
limited, and it’s stats aren’t really that
amazing for a 5 drop.
the latest or even the oldest Vs System
cards or card from most any TCG out there,
be sure to check out
the most comprehensive TCG sales site in the
world!!! (And we think they’re just swell)
Limited: 4.5
Constructed: 2.5
Si "Hitman"
Parkes |
Scarecrow <>
Fear and Loathing
Cost 5
Arkham Inmates, Injustice Gang
“There was only one road back to L.A. - U.S.
Interstate 15. Just a flat-out high speed burn
through Baker and Barstow and Berdoo. Then onto
the Hollywood Freeway, and straight on into
frantic oblivion. Safety. Obscurity. Just
another freak, in the freak kingdom.”
Johnny Depp (Raoul Duke), Fear and Loathing in
Las Vagas
“There can be only one.”
-Christopher Lambert (Connor MacLeod),
“Heh, heh, heh!
-Christopher Lambert (Raiden), Mortal Kombat
And now, because you’ve already read it in
everyone else’s reviews, or not if you read mine
first, which you really should because they’re
the best ones;
“An insane deck is a deck with no more than one
copy of each card. It can include cards both
with and without the insanity keyword, as long
as there is no more than one copy of each. A
card is a copy of another card if both have the
same name and version. The first time an
opponent sees one of your insanity cards, you
must announce whether or not you're playing with
an insane deck.”
Or, Highlander. Highlander works too.
So then kids, you’ll get the fun insanity
effects so long as your deck fits with the
insane rule. And to do that your deck has to
contain only one copy of each card. And you have
to declare it does when playing cards with
insanity. Now are we all clear on that? Are we?
Logic would dictate that an insane deck, man I
like saying that, insane deck, insane deck,
insane deck, anyway an insane deck would be far
more random than any other deck type and far
harder to use, find and to draw the specific
characters you need. So I’m going to make the
amazing prediction that World’s Finest will have
some new searchers to deal with the single card
issue. Also I’m guessing that forming teams with
single character cards would be difficult, so
teams will either have lots, and lots of
characters, or there will be many dual team (or
even triple team) characters. Or the mechanic
will suck. That’s always a possibility. But it
probably won’t.
I suppose I should talk about Scarecrow now.
10/8 stats aren’t special for a 5 drop and no
range or flight is always good. So Mr Fear And
Loathing is being played for his effect. Lose a
card at random to return a character with a cost
of 2 to its owner’s hand, or make that a cost of
3 if you are using insanity. That’s awesome.
Well the 3 is awesome. That’s a severe hindrance
to your opponent, and can be a very good
tactical move on your part. The lesser “normal”
effect without insanity, of returning a 2 drop,
is far more dependant upon your opponents field
at the time.
However in both cases Crow’s effect can remove
the possibility of reinforcement, get rid of an
annoying card effect/strategy & deplete field
presence. The only downside is that you lose a
random card from your hand. More often than not
the card you discarded wouldn’t have allowed you
to return a level 2/3 character to your
opponent’s hand, so the trade-off is probably
going to be worth it. On the other hand if you
are holding a crucial 6 drop and some bitchin’
plot twists, well that’s up to you man. As you’d
expect from an effect called “insanity” there
may be a downside, and you might not want to use
it on a uniform basis. Gosh, didn’t see that
To sum up, the effect of Scarecrow is either
quite good, or really good with insanity, but
bear in mind I can’t make any calls on the
feasibility of insane deck types yet. So there
ya go.
Sealed: 3
Constructed: 4
“You must learn the ways of the force if you are
to come with me to Alderaan”
The first person to e-mail me wins a pony….sihitmanparkes@yahoo.co.uk
Mikie |
Holy creepy
crawlies, Batman! Today we have a wonderful
little preview card for you happy gamers. Lets
get it on!
Scarecrow, Fear and Loathing (Arkham
Inmates/Injustice Gang)
5 cost, 10 ATK, 8 DEF
When Scarecrow enters play, you may discard a
card at random. if you do, return target
character with cost 2 or less to its owner's
Insanity: Return target character with a cost 3
or less instead.
Well, what do we have here? A new
ability! Insanity. Now, if my understanding is
correct, Insanity is an ability that functions
on deckbuilding. From my reading of it (and, if
I'm wrong, PLEASE email me at
DarrisHellBinde@yahoo.com), Insanity only
works if you have 1 of each card in your deck,
and no more than one. This sounds kinda cooky
to me, but hey, it is pretty insane. ANYWAY...
on to the card itself.
10/8 is about on par for your standard 5 cost
(9/9 being average last I checked). His ability
is a "You May", which is good... being forced to
discard is not particularly cool. Getting a
character back can be quite fun, though. Maybe
its something useful... bringing back the random
Longshot, maybe. Anyway, this guy is pretty
cool and his artwork ROCKS.
Sealed: 4/5 Pretty solid
Constructed: 4/5 Can deffinetly be fun... great
way to make sure you can power up characters.
:) |
xstreamzero |
Alright, Preview Card! It's been a while since
we had a new set, so you can tell I'm very
Fear and Loathing
Inmates/Injustice Gang/5/10/8
When Scarecrow
enters play, you may discard a card at random.
If you do, return target character with cost 2
or less to its owner's hand.
Insanity: Return
target character with cost 3 or less instead.
Right off the bat,
I know what you're thinking. "OMGWTFBBQ is
So, Insanity is the
new Vs. mechanic. Actually, if you are familiar
with the Highlander format, you know that it's
pretty insane. Those of you that don't know, a
Highlander format means there can only be 1 copy
of a card in your deck. Period. Meaning that if
you were to make a 60 card Vs. deck, all 60
cards have to be different. I know, it's insane
Wait a minute...
Insane? So is that
how it works? Yes, you are correct. Insanity
means you get the effect IF you are playing a
Highlander deck. When you reveal your first
Insanity card to your opponent, you have to
declare immediately if the deck is Highlander or
not, so as not to create confusion or perhaps
So, what does mean
with our pal Scarecrow?
In a non-Highlander
deck, it's actually pretty good. Bounce a 2-drop
when it hits play. It even fits into the
Injustice Gang mechanic of adding cards to your
opponent's hand, so this Scarecrow is good. Not
as good as super-burn Scarecrow, but still
pretty good. And it serves a pretty good pick in
As for it's
Insanity effect, bouncing a 3-drop may be just
what the doctor ordered. It's a perfect 5-drop
for Highlander.
Overall: N/A
I still don't rate
preview cards. Especially one designed
specifically for Highlander. I guess they were
trying to make Highlander competitive, we'll see
if Insanity pans out well...