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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Card #MTU-092
Date Reviewed: 06.05.07
Constructed Rating: 4.00
Limited Average Rating: 3.00
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jokerkiller |
4 cost rare
Sinister Syndicate Loyalty reveal
This card makes turn 4 kills happen for
Syndicate. Carnage is a TNB on a stick that can
take out 5 drop without breaking a sweat. Since
most of the characters you’ll have in play
should be over sized he even more mean. He’s not
team stamped besides the loyalty requirement so
he could be tool boxed into about any deck, but
I don’t see it happening to often. The picture
on the card is best of all 3 of his cards also
it’s the most Carnage like.
I rate this card a 4/5 for Syndicate it’s the
kill card you need 4 of for a good rush deck. |
Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge |
Okay kids, PC Indy is roughly two months away,
so from now on, I'll be reviewing cards strictly
for their usefulness in the upcoming Modern Age.
I won't be revealing any of my team's tech, but
i will give you a decent idea of if a card is
going to be any good in Modern as we know it,
what with World's Finest not being out yet.
One of the decks that will no doubt show up is
the Syndicate Rush deck. It plays a ton of small
guys with above average attacks, plus support
cards like Spider Hunt and Hidden Cache.
Destroying it's own resources isn't a huge
issue, since it aims to win by Turn 4 or 5 at
the latest. Helping the Turn 4 win along is
Carnage. He's already an above average 4 drop,
with 9/7 stats. For the cost of KO'ing a
resource when he comes into play, you also get
+2 ATK for all your characters in the combat
phase. One caveat; your opponent's get the +2
ATK boost too, so don't leave them anyone to
attack with. Carnage also has a line of text
that many of the Syndicate guys from MTU have,
at the start of the combat phase, lose 1
endurance for each resource you control. Again,
since you'll be swinging for crazy amounts of
damage, you won't be missing the endurance you
lose, since you'll be doing much more to your
opponent by the end of your turn. It's a fast
and powerful deck, and there's only a few tech
cards against it for now, unless World's Finest
has a lot of off-curve hate.
It'll be the deck of choice for people who like
to go super-aggro and not let combo decks have
time to pull off their tricks.
5/5 |
Si "Hitman"
Parkes |
Carnage <>
Cost 4
Loyalty, Reveal
Sinister Syndicate
Carnage will kill you man. Kill you in the face.
Kill you in the face to the max. To the max to
the extreeeeemeee!!!!!!!! That’s right kids;
Carnage is pretty much everything about comics
in the 90’s made flesh. In other words, he’s
pure, pure evil. Evil that looked cool in the
90’s. With like stabby things. And stuff. And a
symbiotic costume. Like Venom, but to the max,
to the extereeeeemee.
Fittingly the card version of Carnage can indeed
kill you in the face. With a ridiculously high
attack and no massive downside to playing him,
this card is pretty good. Or as we used to say
back in the 90’s “Dude most non-heinous, dude,
Keanu, dude”. Whatever that meant.
Loyalty, Reveal isn’t ever going to be much of a
problem in any mono-deck and only requires a
little bit of setup to allow for splash
potential. The burn damage he hits you with is a
little annoying at first, and more annoying over
time, but you are looking for an early win
anyway with swarm, which is where he belongs.
Put him in a syndicate swarm deck, and you’ve
got a great reason to use his boost ability and
pimp up everyone in play (giving Carnage himself
a ridiculous 11 attack). Put him anywhere else
and you aren’t going to use it. But you’ll still
have yourself a very strong all round hitter.
With killer stats, few drawbacks and a good
effect for the right deck, Carnage is indeed one
triumphant dude.
To the extreeemeee!!!
Sealed: 3
Constructed: 4
“You must learn the ways of the force if you are
to come with me to Alderaan”
xstreamzero |
One of the coolest characters in the Spider-Man
universe, possibly the only reason why there
might be a glimmer of hope for Spider-Man 4…
Sinister Syndicate/4/9/7
At the start of the combat phase, lose 1
endurance for each resource you control.
Boost-KO a resource you control: When Carnage
enters play, characters get +2 ATK this turn at
the start of the combat phase this turn.
What you’re supposed to do, assuming you’re
playing SSS, is when you play Carnage, you
better win the game that turn. Carnage + Spider
Hunt + any other global pumps = GG. Nobody cares
that you’re losing a resource, nobody cares
you’re losing endurance, nobody cares that the
+2 is also in effect on your opponents
characters as well.
Marvel Modern: 4/5
Silver Age: 4/5
Golden Age: 4/5
Overall: 4/5
Just don’t play him off initiative. Seriously…
Mikie |
Ooo... we
start off this week with one of my favorite
Marvel villains, the chaotic Carnage.
Carnage, Psychopath (Sinister Syndicate)
4 cost, 9 ATK, 7 DEF
Loyalty, Reveal.
At the start of the combat phase, lose 1
endurance for each resource you control.
Boost- KO a resource you control: When Carnage
enters play, characters get +2 ATK this turn at
the start of the combat phase this turn.
Well. OK. I'm not sure I like this guy much.
More appropriately, I don't like this CARD.
Carnage rocks. Or, at least he did till he got
torn and half and flung into space... ANYWAY...
9/7 for 4 is slightly above average, so for his
cost, his stats aren't bad. Loyalty kinda sucks,
but not really a big deal. Losing 1 endurance
for each resource you control sucks. And his
boost ability may only be worthwhile if you have
Initiative on turn 4. Giving your opponents
characters +2 attack can hurt more than giving
YOURS +2. On the whole, I'd find someone else to
play for 4.
As usual, if I'm missing something about this
card, you can feel free to email me at:
I don't mind getting feedback, good or bad. I'd
rather be put in the know than make a bad review
and not have a clue. :)
Sealed: 3/5 In sealed, he's speed, and speed
Constructed: 2/5 There are worse cards. I'd find
someone better, though. |