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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Captain American, Steve Rogers

Card #MAV-003


Date Reviewed: 03.13.07

Rating: 3.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Captain America, Steve Rogers

Unless you've been under a rock for the last week, you've heard the big news to come out of Marvel's Civil War event: Captain America is dead. As we here at Pojo are a sentimental bunch, we're taking a fond look back at old Cap, and I'm sure we'll take a look back again in 5 months when they bring him back :)

Today we'll look at Captain America, Steve Rogers.
Steve was one of the first characters to have the keyword Leader, which was introduced in the Avengers expansion. His stats are top heavy for a 3 drop, 6/4 and range. In addition, his Leader ability gives every character adjacent to him the Avengers affiliation, making it easier to team attack and reinforce if you haven't drawn into a team-up by turn 3. The Avengers had a team attacking theme, and Steve Rogers helps that by giving all team attackers adjacent to him +1 ATK. Obviously the formation step becomes a lot more important with an ability like Steve's on the board, so the Avengers team attack deck was a tricky one to build and play correctly, but for those who did, it was a really consistent deck with a lot of tricks.

I personally like the 3 drop Captain America, Skrull Infiltrator (we reviewed it a couple of months ago), he's got an incredible Cosmic ability and I've run into several decks built around him that are very tricky to play against.

Rating: 3.5/5
FruitBasket Captain America

Steve Rogers

3 cost 6/4


Leader: Characters adjacent to Captain America have the Avengers affiliation.

Team attackers adjacent to Captain America get +1 attack.

This week we pay tribute to the greatest patriot in the Marvel universe, Captain America. Cap was first released in the avengers set, but has shown up as a skrull imposter and a spider friend so far in his cardboard incarnations. Captain America, Steve Rogers has good stats for a three cost character. It is always nice to see a 6 in the attack and 4 defense isn’t too shabby. His first ability to give the Avengers affiliation is very valuable in avengers sealed, and I believe is the better of his two abilities. Giving team attackers +1 attack isn’t ground breaking, but could help in a pinch. Cap doesn’t have any tricky combos that go with him, just solid stats and a helpful ability. His stacker art with Iron Man, Tony Stark is pretty cool too.

Overall if you are playing an Avengers deck with a leader theme Cap is your man, though Avengers are known better for their reservist decks. Try out a Thunderbolts / Avengers leader deck running 4 Justice for all and see if you rethink your opinions about the leader mechanic.

Constructed: 2.5 out of 5, Cap is right at the average I believe, not overpowered but by no means bad.

Sealed: 3.0 out of 5, His stock goes up a little in sealed because his ability to team up others.

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