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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Captain American, Super Soldier

Card #MAV-004


Date Reviewed: 03.15.07

Constructed Rating: 3.00
Limited Average Rating: 4.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Captain America, Super Soldier

Continuing with our salute to Captain America, we look at a bigger version, the 6-drop Super Soldier. This card, in my opinion, should have been a lot better in the formats in which Avengers was legal, but it had the bad fortune to be stuck in a very fast environment of short curve (Squadron), and off-curve rush (Faces of Evil, X-Faces) decks during Marvel Modern. The Leader ability of this Captain America is nothing short of astounding; Attackers next to him can't be stunned, and defenders next to him get a +2/+2 bump.
The only drawback to that is that Captain America doesn't get either of those effects for himself, so you'd have to protect him, otherwise he'll have a big bulls-eye on him...much like at the end of Captain America #25, now that I think about it.

He was a Sealed bomb in a deck with enough Avengers to support him, although fairly fragile with a dearth of good defensive pumps in the set. Still, a card that may still see the light of day in the new Silver Age.

Rating: 3/5
FruitBasket Captain America, Super Soldier
6 cost Avengers 12/12

Leader: Avengers attackers adjacent to Captain America cannot be stunned.
Avengers defenders adjacent to Captain America get +2atk +2def.

Today we look at my favorite version of Cap, the Super soldier from Marvel avengers. I remember this card demanding some high prices when the Avengers set was first released, Cap’s were selling for about 10$. That was until the easily net decked Avengers reservist deck started making tournament top 8 finisher, but I digress.

Captain America is a very solidly designed card. His leader ability is great both on initiative and off initiative. No one is going to tell you Bamf is a bad card, and Cap can hand it out to any friends he has next to him. His defensive pump is insane, if you can find ways to abuse it. Coast city, Justice for all and house of El all love to move Captain America around while making him unable to be attacked.

Cap functions best in a mono team or thunderbolts leader team up. The B.P.R.D also has a lot of new leaders for Cap to try and inspire in a leader based deck. For those of you who haven’t, go out and buy the Hellboy essential collection.

Constructed: 3.0 out of 5, Cap is solid, but he isn’t broken. 6 cost characters usually need to be able to break the game open.

Sealed: 4.0 out of 5, If you see Cap in your first pack you have just had your primary team chosen for you.

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