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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Silver Sable

Card #185


Date Reviewed: 03.22.07

Constructed Rating: 4.20
Limited Average Rating: 3.50

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

FruitBasket Silver Sable
Worlds deadliest mercenary
4 cost 7/7 range

Recruit silver sable only if you control a character with an affiliation other than Wild Pack.
Whenever Silver Sable stuns a character, return that character to its owners hand.

Today we look at the leader of the Wild Pack, Silver Sable herself. The Wild Pack, like the Skrulls before them love to be teamed up with other teams.
While the Skrulls gained bonus’s from team ups, it seems the wild pack just plain usually needs it to get working. Though I haven’t seen a dedicated Wild Pack team up deck, I know enough to know that Bounty Hunt is going to be a nasty card. I will do this review with that knowledge in mind.

Silver Sable it seems joins the Silver Surfer and Morg in a great theme of returning characters to players hands. While Morg had to wait for his cosmic counter, Silver Sable has almost a dual loyalty to ensure she won’t be very splash able without her wild pack friends. Her stats are average and the fact that she uses guns on opponents made upper deck give her range (though in the past sometimes it didn’t). Overall, The wild pack will be as good a team as the team you team them up with. I’d imagine something like a masters of evil rush with wild pack, and bounty hunt keeping the cards flowing.
Heroes demise and capture nets keeping the field free of opposing characters and Silver sable dropping as your finisher. Look for a rouge deck sporting bounty hunt and Silver Sable to at least get a feature match at the next Pro circuit.

Constructed: 4.2 out of 5, Her stats are a little low and her loyalty could make deck construction difficult, but her effect is savage.

Sealed: 3.5 out of 5, I’d score her higher if the was a better chance of pulling more wild pack cards out of Marvel Team up, but if you manage to get lucky and pull lots of wild pack and her definitely run her.

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