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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Samantha Parrington ^ Valkyrie

Card #MTU-063


Date Reviewed: 05.30.07

Average Rating: 3.88

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Jokerkiller Samantha Parrington ^ Valkyrie
4 cost Marvel Defenders Rare
5/9 Flight Substitute

Let start with her stats she doesn’t have a good attack but she’s huge on defense. On a drop that’s more likely to be a 7 maybe an 8 Sam’s 9 is huge! I don’t see her attacking anyways. I do see her Backup ability being used on the Hulk both 5 and 7 drop. I’ve also been smashed by a rather huge Hellboy when she was under dropped on turn 5 with Frank Drake adding some more beats to him. I’ve heard a lot of players say all the backup abilities aren’t strong enough but attacking with only one character isn’t a new idea. (see X-static and Hellfire club)

I rate Sam as a 3.5/5 she’s a good solid 4 the Defenders. You won’t see her in sealed enough to matter.
Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge
Samantha Parrington <> Valkyrie

Samantha Parrington is a great 4-drop for the Defenders team, which follows a strategy of having one big attacker, and a lot of Backup characters that support it. Valkyrie eases the sting of only having one attacking character by letting that character potentially attack twice in one turn. A way to abuse this is to play Hulk on 5, then Hellcat activates to give him +2/+2, and then activate Valkyrie to let him ready after he attacks. This means that he'll be
12/12 on his first attack, and 13/13 when he attacks again. Cards that ready Valkyrie will let her activate twice (like The Order), so she could let two characters get a double swing in the same turn. Her 9 DEF is big enough to stop her from getting trashed, but her 5 ATK means that more often than not, you'll be using her Backup ability instead of trying to attack with her.

Rating: 4/5
xstreamzero Samantha Parrington <> Valkyrie

We start this week with a bang, a staple for the Marvel Defenders.

Samantha Parrington <> Valkyrie
Chooser of the Slain
Marvel Defenders/4/5/9
Flight, Substitute
Backup: Activate > When target character you control next attacks this turn, ready it. Use only during the build phase.

In Vs, if there is an ability that allows you to attack again, with no horrible drawback, it’s a good card. If it can attack again, and STILL cause breakthrough, then it’s a staple. This is an unbelievable card, not just in Defenders, but any deck. I believe Quickfate would love an extra attack for good measure. Of course, you can’t be stunned in the process, but that’s not too big of a deal for a free attack. Substitute is just a bonus for any turn after turn four. If only it could stack, would it be broken.

Marvel Modern: 4/5
Silver Age: 4/5
Golden Age: 3/5
Overall: 4/5

And I’m out…

_Si Samantha Parrington <> Valkyrie
Cost 4

Samantha Parrington is basically just a total slut. A total slut wearing Madonna’s cast-off’s. Plus she’s blonde.

Oh right yeah, the review…

Her backup ability lets another character swing twice. Cause she’s all about the swinging. Cause of the total slut thing…Anyway that’s perfect for a Defenders mono build with its groovy “pimp up my 5 drop” strategy. You’re getting a double attack with a big character. Or a triple if you’ve got Moon Knight onto the field. Moon Knight will kill you in the face.

Samantha isn’t about the killing though, low points mean you’re not going to be attacking with her, but lucky, lucky, lucky she’s got a defence value that’s almost equal to the number of STI’s she has. So that’s cool. Well not the STI’s thing. That’s kinda gross. But yeah you don’t need to worry about her getting stunned, which is ironic given the amount of time she spends face-down. Heh, I’m so on form today.

To sum up she’s a blonde slut in a Madonna costume. Who wouldn’t want to play with that?

Sealed: 4
Constructed: 4


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