Mikie |
America <> Heroic Paragon
7 Cost Spider Friends/ Avengers
16/14, Range, Reservist
Pay 3 Attack, target character you control gets
+3 Def this turn. Use once per turn.
OK. First off, I'd like to state that I like
Cap. I was saddened that he was killed. And I'm
glad that all of his cards that I've seen havn't
sucked royally. That out of the way...
I like this Cap alot. He's a 16/14 on turn 7,
which is slightly higher than the norm, from
what I've seen, and he's a reservist to boot.
So, he won't be totally useless early in the
game. I've gotta say, I really like Reservists,
especially when they are higher cost. While this
Cap doesn't have any leader effects like his 2
earliest incarnations ( I think...), his power
still shows off his ability to keep ally's out
of harms way. By reducing Caps attack by 3, you
can give a character you control +3 def this
TURN. Whole turn. Not just this attack, this
TURN. This can be used on Cap himself, if need
be. Also, it can be used at instant speed,
unless I'm mistaken. This means that you can
attack with Cap, deal with combat, and then
attack with another character, lowering Caps
Attack to give that character a +3 Def. The only
drawback to this is that the -3 Attack on Cap
lasts for the rest of the turn too. But
sometimes, the best offense is a good defense.
All in all, I'd run this card as my turn 7 in my
Avengers deck (assuming I had any copies of this
Cap, which I now must get...). I'm not so sure
about in a Spider Friends deck (lest you were
also running the previously mentioned Indebted).
Good stats, nice ability, and reservist to
boot... I like him. :)
Overal: 4/5 |