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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day

  Against All Odds

Card #MTU-197


Date Reviewed: 05.07.07

Rating: 4.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Jokerkiller Against All Odds
3 cost rare plot twist.

Well in a nut shell it’s an Acrobatic Dodge for attack or defense if you’re teamed up. For modern it’s great it’ll stone wall attacks to make Heralds that much better. It’s a good defense pump. In Golden age it’s not very great. Too many better defense pumps Cover fire, Acrobatic Dodge, or From the Shadows. The team up part should be hard since there are easy ways to that. I do think Checkmate/anything will play it for sure to stop attacks. I saw this card 2 weeks ago a turn after I double Nasty Surprised to get board advantage to turn around and get wrecked the next turn because I was stone walled then got pummeled by the same character it was played on!

Rating this card Silver through modern 4/5. Golden age 2.5/5 it’s just not as good or it’s an ability several common cards can do.
Against All Odds

3 cost Plot Twist

In short, if all your characters share an affiliation, target attacker or blocker gets -3/+3 this attack.

Well... Not bad. Not amazing, but not bad. Its not hard to get all characters on your team to share the same affiliation. Team Up cards help achieve that if you are playing a multi- Affiliated deck. Most decks I run are all the same team anyway, usually with no Un-Affiliated characters around.

Lets see its benefits. It works on target Attack OR Blocker. This is very nice. Its not limited to one or the other. So, in conjunction with last weeks Cap, you could give him a total of -6/+6 , or give Cap -3 attack, another character -3 attack, and that same character +6 total defense. In either case, its alot of buffing to get past a +6 defense (Armageddon, anyone?) Even on its own, without Captain Americas ability, sometimes keeping one of your characters standing is more important than stunning one of your opponents.

Overall I like this card. In Vs. System, I've seen few cards that I overall dislike. But the cards seem to be getting more and more solid as new sets are released. Against All Odds is a very solid card, if you can get all your characters with the same affiliation, which shouldn't be too hard.

Overall: 4/5 (Great way to keep your Characters alive and kickin')

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