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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day


The Source

Card - DSM-040


Date Reviewed: 11.21.07

Constructed Rating: 4.67
Limited Average Rating: 2.00

Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale - 1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating.

Si "Hitman" Parkes

The Source: Cost 3: Location


Replace The Source >>> Replace target plot twist an opponent controls. Search that opponent's deck, hand, and KO'd pile for all cards with the same name as that plot twist and remove them from the game. That opponent shuffles his deck. Use this power only if you control a New Gods character.


Hey that’s cool. This card could be a potential -3. In YUGIOH speak. I think. Maybe there should be a “lolhakzorzdragoncannonmeta” in there.


Anyway, having the chance to get rid of up to 3 copies of any major plot twist is awesome. (3 because they have to use 1 first so the Source can hit it). Oh yes, it is most good, most good indeed.


Simply put, this card can cripple decks. Especially ones that need specific cards, to function. It can be used to take out searchers, remove attack increases, decimate team-ups and blah, blah you get the picture.  


It’s one of the few good New Gods cards.


Sealed: 2

Constructed: 4





Wow... sorry about missing this week and last until just now... on to the card:

The Source

3 Cost Location

Replace The Source >> Replace target plot twist an opponant controls.  Search that opponent's deck, hand, and KO'd pile for all cards with the same name as that plot twist and remove them from the game.  That opponant shuffles his deck.  Use this power only if you control a New Gods character.

Holy wow.  Anyone that plays Magic: the Gathering knows how powerful a single "Lobotomy" effect can be.  For those of you that don't know, this card is a 'lobotomy effect".  It targets a card, then finds all copies of that card and removes them from the game.  Scary.  Powerful.  Mean.  Fun as heck.  If you are playing New Gods, this card is just too good to pass on.

Sealed: 1/5  Odds of your opponant having multiple copies of a plot twist in there deck?  Slim. 

Constructed: 5/5  Playing New Gods?  Playing The Source.  Nuff said.
jajais4u The Source

The granddaddy of 'em all. I remember a couple of people wanting to make New Gods/GK or Superman just to either negate, then remove or remove everything. Many Team-Up plot twists (before they were team-ups) left the resource row, hands and decks. Then there were the Savages, search cards, the list goes on. This card is still pretty good.

Sealed - 3.0 (Have to have a New Gods character.)

Constructed - 5.0 (There was, and may never be another one like this. Really powerful.)

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