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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Hellboy -
Amung an Rama
Card #EHB-005
Date Reviewed: 09.10.07
Constructed Rating: 4.25
Limited Average Rating: 3.50
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Jason Bunch
Level 2 Judge |
Amung an Rama
Ahh, Hellboy. The Big Red Machine that won me
$350 at Indy. How I love you so. I'll even mow
Mike Mignola's lawn if I ever get the chance, so
grateful am I to the creator of Hellboy. Hellboy
has two great abilities, both of which tie into
the "single visible character" theme of the
First of all, if Hellboy is the only visible
character you control, then whenever he stuns a
character, he gets a +1/+1 counter. This takes
him from slightly above average 8/7 to
moderately beefy 9/8. Hellboy really depends on
his support cards though. You can take a mutual
stun, get the counter, then use a recovery card
like Pancakes to recover him and use your
slightly larger Hellboy to stave off another
attack. If you're attacking, you can stun a
smaller character, get the counter, then use
Break off the Horns to ready him for another
attack. Sure, you won't be doing breakthrough,
but you'll get another stun, another counter,
and be making a Hellboy that won't get stunned
by the majority of 4 drops and a good chunk of 5
drops. He also works great with Abe Sapien on 5,
who makes every Hellboy powerup a +2/+2.
Trust me, I was fending off some big attacks
with the combination of those two. B.P.R.D. is a
really fun deck to play, especially with the
synergy it has with teams like X-Statix,
Hellfire Club, Kang Council, and yes,
Rating: 5/5 for my personal experience. 4/5 for
everyone else |
xstreamzero |
Awesome, the Hellboy cards are quite possibly
one of my favorites…
Anung Un Rama
Whenever Hellboy stuns a character, put a +1 ATK/
+1 DEF counter on Hellboy if he is the only
visible character you control.
Pay 1 endurance > Return target character you
control to its owner’s hand. Use this power only
once per turn.
By the end of turn 4, Hellboy better be a 12/12
or bigger. Thanks to cards like Need for Speed,
Breaking off the Horns, and Pancakes, Hellboy
can continuously keep gaining counters. You can
even do things like Shaw Industries, Kang
Crossroads, or even Collecting Souls, it’s a big
Hellboy in it’s own deck. You can even search
for cards you want with Something is coming if
you got some Thule Society Characters.
Constructed: 4/5
I like Hellboy…
xstreamzero |
Bill Ivie |
Happy, Happy
Hellboy Monday.....
Hellboy, Anung Un Rama
Sealed: 3/5
Constructed: 3/5
This card is equally rated in both sealed and
constructed as it gains no benefit/downfall from
being mixed with other affiliations. For a
four-drop, it's not bad. An 8/7 can hold it's
own and can make things happen. While the
effects seem nice, I'm not sure how much they
actually come into play. I'll tell you this
though, if you had a poor draw and ended up with
no characters through the first three rounds,
this card can help. It could also help when he's
on the field with some weak characters. I know
when something like this comes up across the
field from me, it makes me think twice about
picking off all the little guys, as this guy
just gets bigger and bigger. As a four-drop, he
can become big and quick and could be useful in
later rounds. Still, I'm not THAT impressed,
he's middle of the road, at best and gets a pair
of threes for his trouble. |
Williams |
Un Rama
This is actually one of my favorite cards. I'll
start with his second effect first. Pay 1 end ->
return target character you control to the
owner's hand. Use only once per turn. That
effect is really good for recycling stunned
characters that have "come into play" effects,
very good effects or discard fodder for search.
The first effect is my favorite actually. +1/+1
when he stuns someone? Thank you, the next hit
is gonna hurt more. Combined with my personal
favorite combo (Fated-up and Fate Has Spoken)
and you have an angry, yet cool red guy on your
side. Quick idea, he can go into a Birds of Prey
or Concealed-Optional Gotham (is there really a
difference?) deck and become the beat-stick he
was always meant to be.
Constructed - 4.5
Sealed - Kinda expensive, since you only can get
one pack per essentials kit. However, probably a
4.0, since you need more pieces to make it work. |