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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Card # MTU_136
Date Reviewed: 02.x.07
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: 1.0
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: 1.75
Limited Average Rating: 4.6
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
Bunch |
Well, we're looking at Marvel Teamup cards this
week, and today's is one that didn't win me any
games at the marvel Teamup sneak preview...and
yes, I'm still bitter about it.
On the surface, he's a decent 7-drop, 15/16 with
Flight and Range is pretty beefy, and
Concealed-Optional means that you can make an
optimal formation choice regardless of
initiative. However, his activated ability just
sucks for a 7-drop. You really want to attack
with your 7-drop, or have them have an effect
that's really silly, like KO a guy, or stop your
opponent from attacking, anything. Dormammu is a
low-rent Karnak, lowering a character's ATK
based on the number of Character cards in your
KO'd pile.
You can send a low drop into they're 7-drop with
enough cards in the KO'd pile, but unless you're
already winning by a ton, the lowest guy you
should have on the field is a 4-5 cost, unless
you underdropped. Even after you've attacked up
the curve, you don't have a 7-drop to attack
down the curve with, which is the whole point of
making a play like that. If his ability wasn't
activated, or if the
- X DEF hit all the opponent's characters, then
this would be a much more playable card. If you
have to play a 7-drop, play another one, I
implore you. There are better 7-drops in the
set, both on and off team.
Sigh...I hate you, Dormammu. |
Magnifico |
Dread Dormammu
7-drop at
and Range
Concealed - Optional
Activate -> Target attacker or defender
gets -1 DEF this attack for each
character card in your KO'd pile.
"Now begins the Age of Dormammu!"
This guy just makes me smile. How
can you not love that drawing? I'm
guessing he's either closely related
to Kool-Aid Man or that Raisin Bran
2-scoops sun.
Okay, so he's nice to look at, but
can he deliver? Underworld seems to
have two major themes: bonuses for
keeping stunned characters on the
field, or bonuses for having your
KO'd pile nice and loaded. Do these
two themes combine well? Well, I
definitely see some synergy where
Netherworld Gift is concerned - if
you constantly dump stuff from your
Deck into your KO'd pile, you have
more options as far as what you're
going to be able to pull from the
grave. But as for Dormammu, he's all
about the single theme of the loaded
KO'd pile.
He's not a bad card, actually. If
you're off-initiative and your
opponent's coming at you, he can
practically guarantee a stun back,
regardless of the difference in
threshold cost or atk/def deficit.
And as so many games come down to
just 1 or 2 points of endurance, he
can provide that insurance. And as
Underworld only provides two choices
at the 7-drop slot, he's definitely
your go-to guy if you cant get your
hands on the superior, though
thematically opposite, Shuma Gorath.
So go for it and slap this guy in.
With his flight and range, he can
either punch holes in formation or
provide the finishing breakthrough.
If you're off initiative, he can
ensure your opponent's not just
going to walk away without a
xstreamzero |
Marvel Team-Up is up, ready and raring to go! To
celebrate, the first cards we’re going to review
are ones that I used to win the Sneak Preview.
Dread Dormammu
Concealed – Optional
Activate > Target attacker or defender gets –1
DEF this attack for each character in your KO’d
In the draft, I pulled only 2 seven drops.
Dormammu and Dormammu. Needless to say, I was
thoroughly irritated, with no choice but to play
the crappy Dormammus. Yes, plural. I played both
of them.
Normally, I would have sat and cried a bit. But
something odd happened. Everyone I played
against wanted to play evens. Everyone. Which
means I always got to attack first with my
Dormammu, which was the only good reason I had
I also don’t want an activated effect on my
seven drop. Unless it has some godly effect that
says “stun target character” or “target player
loses 20 endurance”, I don’t want to play it. I
want to attack with it. The fact that the effect
is garbage also doesn’t help. Especially in a
draft where the deck you’re playing is a Marvel
Defenders/Spider-Friends team-up deck where you
have only 3 characters in your KO’d pile.
Because that was the deck I was playing, not
Underworld. So how is it my fault I can’t pull a
Marvel Defenders or a Spider-Friends seven drop?
So what was the point of today’s review? It was
one of the reasons I won. Because I had a
Dormammu that would attack a character for a
good chunk of damage, usually for the win. But
don’t play it in constructed, not even in an
Underworld deck (use Shuma, he’s cool). Because
outside of a draft, it sucks.
Marvel Modern: 1/5
Silver Age: 1/5
Golden Age: 1/5
Overall: 1/5
No Spider-Man? No Hulk? Dormammu is the card for
xstreamzero |
FruitBasket |
7 cost
Flight and Range
Activate >>> Target attacker or defender gets -1
DEF this attack for each character card in your
KO'd pile.
Finally we get to the reviews for Marvel
team-up! 7 cost characters are meaning less and
less in constructed where games are usually over
by turn 6 or sooner. However in sealed games can
easily reach turn 7, and usually it is the
deciding turn. Dormammu has the perfect stats
for a 7 drop, having an extra point of defense
is always great in sealed as it forces your
opponent to waste plot twists to just break even
with you. His Flight and range are just icing on
the cake. Now lets talk about his ability.
Activate >>> Target attacker or defender gets -1
DEF this attack for each character card in your
KO'd pile.
It goes without saying that Underworld can fill
up a K.O. pile faster than any team out there,
except maybe Secret Society. Still though,
having this be an activate cost rather than a
free cost is what limits this ability from bring
broken to being only alright about half the
time. Let me explain.
Being an activate cost means usually you are
going to want to use this on the defensive.
Still, a dedicated Underworld can easily be
giving -7 or -8 defense by turn 7 using
Dormammu’s ability. The ability is certainly not
worth giving up an attack for during your turn,
but luckily those above average stats more than
make up for it. For constructed Underworld has
some better options in golden age and silver
age, namely Varnae, First Vampire (whose ability
is slightly similar to Dormammu’s). Overall if
there is an underworld deck that can make it to
turn 7 in constructed, you may have some better
options. In sealed though, take him and lay down
some worry free turn
7 beats. Also, for reference, if you’re ever
writing an article about Dormammu, make sure to
copy and paste his name each time and save
yourself a headache.
Final Score:
Golden Age/ Silver age: 2.5 out of 5, Underworld
just has better options if it wants to stay on
Sealed: 4.6 out of 5, Stats are what make or
break cards in sealed. Dormammu gives you a
flying beater with good defense. |