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Pojo's VS System Card of the Day
Richard Rider <> Nova
Card #MTU-062
Date Reviewed: 01.31.06
Constructed Modern Age Average Rating: -
Constructed Golden Age Average Rating: -
Limited Average Rating: -
Ratings are based on a 1 to 5 scale
1 being the worst. 3 ... average.
5 is the highest rating. |
xstreamzero |
Richard Rider
<> Nova
I’m salivating. It’s been awhile since I’ve
played with Spider-Man and his buddies, so
Marvel Team-Up just needs to come out. Like
right now.
Oh well. At least we get a little sneak preview
for our perusal…
Richard Rider <> Nova
Xandarian Nova Corps
Marvel Defenders/4/7/7
Backup: Activate > Stun target character at the
start of the recovery phase this turn. Use this
power only during the build phase.
Oh my god. This is an amazing card. Seriously,
this is like a GOD card when it comes to
off-initiative. Do you know what’s even better?
The fact that it’s not limited to once per turn.
“Oh, I’ll stun all of your characters this turn
and then pwn you turn 5.” Cosmic Radiation
should ring a couple of bells. Even without
Cosmic Radiation, you can easily stun their
biggest drop off-initiative, even if they try
and attack down the curve. This card reminds me
a lot of Havok, except Havok could still attack
and he had to stun himself. And Havok was a good
card. Still, it looks as though this is going to
be a very interesting set. I need them. Now!
Marvel Modern: N/A
Silver Age: N/A
Golden Age N/A
Overall: N/A
It’s too early to be giving out ratings. Just
take some insights. And absorb the character
that is Nova
El N00bie
Magnifico |
Richard Rider
<> Nova
Xandarian Nova Corps
Marvel Defender
4 Drop at 7/7
Flight and Range
Backup: Activate -> Stun target character at the
start of the Recovery Phase this turn. Use only
during the Build Phase.
"There is no justice... there's only vengeance."
Well, first off, gotta love that quote. Second,
gotta love that Effect. Depending what else the
Marvel Defenders team is going to be packing at
the 4-drop slot and their tutoring capabilities,
this guy will most likely be at the least a 1-of
in any build of the team.
For the mere cost of an activation, I get to
stun any character. Got someone staring you down
whose defense is overwhelming? Call the Nova
Corps to put them in their place. Someone who
due to an Effect is not going to stun back while
attacking you, regardless of stats? Call the
Nova Corps to neutralize them. Are you getting
stalled out to later turns where some mammoth
beast is going to eat you alive? Call the Nova
Corps and start punching holes in the game plan.
A concealed character who's making your life
miserable and you just can't get to him? Call
the Nova Corps to hunt them down.
What I see here is an Effect very similar to
Wally West's with a trade-off. The stun won't go
through until the Recovery Phase, which gives
your opponent a chance to plan around the fact.
However, he costs you one resource point less
and does not stun himself, allowing you to keep
a body on the Field. And Substitute is never a
bad thing. There might be times when your have
more use for this guy than a higher drop you got
sitting on the Field.
Sounds good to me.
If this guy shows up in your packs at the
pre-release, play him. If you build a Marvel
Defenders deck... well, we'll have to see what
else they have to offer before deciding whether
this is a primary or back-up drop.