Jessica Drew
Back to
school, back to school, to prove my dad I’m not
a fool…
Jessica Drew <> Spider-Woman
Venom Blast
Other Spider-Friends characters
with evasion you control get +1 ATK.
So, yeah. Another college
semester underway. Filled with Physical
Chemistry and Biology and other science crap
that I will probably never use, even if it is my
You’re probably thinking this has
got nothing to do with Versus. On the contrary,
Peter Parker was bit by a radioactive spider.
And that spider was a product of science.
That still has nothing to do with
anything, does it?…
Oh well.
Jessica Drew is an okay card. If
you manage to get a bunch of evasion characters
on the board with Clone Saga in play, you might
have a little weenie rush going on. A pretty
crappy weenie rush.
If you’re not going the weenie
rush route, then Black Cat takes over Jessica’s
job as a 2-drop in a heartbeat. Because Black
Cat is hotter, er, I mean better…
Although, I suppose it’s pretty
nice in a draft. Considering your choices for
draft is either Spider-Friends or Sinister
Constructed: 2/5
Sealed: 3/5
Now to start reading some
textbooks. Like “The Puppy Who Lost His Way”…
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